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"Honor towards One's Mother and Father" - I need help summing up my essay on honor.

SupernewtJR 1 / 5  
Oct 13, 2010   #1
My English teacher is a very stong Christian who thinks way outside the box about everything. For this essay, we have to answer a question of our choice from a handout he gave us. The question I chose was "What does 'Honor your mother and father' mean exactly?"

I really need help with a conclusion. I started the conclusion paragraph but need more to add to it.
So far I wrote it like this:

Honor towards One's Mother and Father

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth." ―Ephesians 6:1-3. Honoring your mother and father is expected of all people, young and old alike. Everyone has a mom and a dad, and most parents love their parents unconditionally; so in return kids should show honor towards their parents through love as well. In order to honor your mother and father, one must show respect, obedience, and especially honesty towards them.

Respect is defined as "to show regard or consideration for". In order to respect your mother and father, you need to listen to what they have to say because they contain a lot of wisdom that their children do not. Most kids will get the same question asked every day, "How was school sweetie?" Kids will often get annoyed at this question. But in order to show respect, you need to answer the question thoughtfully and with love, that includes any question asked by your parents. If you want to respect your mother and father, you need to take to heart things that they have shared with you and the guidance they have given you. If your parents buy you something that you did not necessarily want, you should act like you love it and bring happiness to your parents' hearts. Another example of respect is to not backtalk whatsoever to your parents, for that is showing great disrespect.

One should obey their mother and father out of a sense of duty towards God. To God, obedience towards your mother and father is to do whatever they ask of you no matter how stupid. When they ask you to do a simple task such as feeding the animals, you need to do it as soon as possible without argument. Obeying your parents is something you must do because it also shows honor, just like respect and honesty does. You should never avoid a job your mom or dad told you to do because it is not obeying your parents and is also very disrespectful. Also, when one of your parents forbids you to do something, you must listen to it. One must honor their parents' wishes through obedience by doing whatever they say even when they are not around.

Everyone must be honest with their parents no matter how hard it is to be. The Bible and God demand honesty, especially towards your parents. In order to fully honor your parents you must also try to be completely honest with them. White lies are often told and thought of as no big deal, but after a while they will lead to bigger lies that could get people into serious trouble. Being honest with your parents is so important because your mother and father need to become fully involved with your life even if it is hard for you to let them. Your parents want to be a part of your lives, but without honesty they are unable to. Also, in order to be honest with your parents, you must also be honest with oneself.

Honoring your mother and father is one of the most important things in life because it includes, respect, obedience, and honesty. One's parents need to receive great honor from their children because they love them with all of their hearts.

cmg 2 / 14  
Oct 14, 2010   #2
The conclusion is where you write a bit of a summary of your entire essay, stressing the points you've made in every paragraph and give the reader a feeling of closure. So, just take a look at each of your paragraphs and evaluate what the most important points are. You did a great job, otherwise.
OP SupernewtJR 1 / 5  
Oct 14, 2010   #3
Thankyou and I will take your advice!
Thanks again.
cmg 2 / 14  
Oct 14, 2010   #4
No problem. I always used to struggle with my conclusions as well but I also had the issue with my introductions as well. Hard to write an essay when you're only capable of writing the main body.
OP SupernewtJR 1 / 5  
Oct 14, 2010   #5
do you think my intro is bad?
or should i leave as is?
dfire 1 / 4  
Oct 14, 2010   #6
for the conclusion, now what you can do is give only 1 short example of each respect obedience and honesty. just re word another example from previous ones...you can say something like this...

...with respect comes a good tone of voice and showing your parents that you truly are listening to them. when you obey your parents, it gives them a sense of confidence because they will know they raised you right and its the least you can do for them given that they do so much for you. finally, honesty builds the relationship between a child and a parent. It opens doors for advice and comfort which are important elements in honor...

something with in those lines haha i hope this helped and i like your essay so far! ps- i hope you can make some time to go prove read my personal statement uc admissions thread:) plz and thank u!
cmg 2 / 14  
Oct 14, 2010   #7
Your intro is actually very good. Starting with a quote really eases the whole process of both writing the essay and reading it.
OP SupernewtJR 1 / 5  
Oct 14, 2010   #8
thankyou to both of you, this really helped a lot!

and I am about to go read your personal statement.

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