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How to improve you skills in English?

mariam soos 1 / 1  
May 16, 2015   #1
hello everybody. i'm a newly subscriber at this useful forum .. i wish from you to read my essay and correct mistakes .thanks in advance.

How to improve your skill in English

Nowadays English language has become a global language. In my view there are one main and basic way to improve English which is to surround yourself in English including that in daily developing one's ability of the four skills reading ,writing ,listening ,speaking. Accordingly there are many sub-divided ways to achieve that: think in English, use the internet and keep a note book.

The most important thing to learn English faster is to think in English .this can be achieved through labeling things in English, picking up the idioms and proverbs in English and surround yourself with English speaker. In your house you can stick the names of things in English. Besides, learning new idiom or proverbs enrich your vocabularies and have fun to see the synonym in your mother language. practicing English with natives speaker helps you much to create the personality of English which is the main core to practice English.

Learning through advanced technology like the internet has become easier.it presents for you the best choices to strengthen the 4 skills. If you have no chance of speaking to any English speaker at reality , the internet with the best websites of professional people you can improve your English. Furthermore, reading essays and writing essays of different subjects then offering them to any social communication sites to correct it; this helps you so much in improving English.

An effective way to increase your knowledge in English is to keep a note book which helps you in two ways; expanding your vocabularies and developing your speaking skills. For example' When you go to a restaurant or café you sometimes see new vocabularies, you can scribble them in the notebook . then, when you go home you will search for it. If use this vocabularies in a sentence at least three times, you defiantly become a good leaner in English.

In short, there are numerous ways to be good in English. The thing that precede all is that the power of will inside the self can make the miracle and create the ways to learn even if are not available.

justivy03 - / 2279  
May 16, 2015   #2
- In my view there are one main andthere's a basic way to improve English which is to surround yourself in English including that in daily with a habit developing one's ability of the four skills reading ,writing ,listening ,speaking.

- Practicing English with nativesa native speaker helps you so much to createin creating the personality of English which is the main core to practice English.

- It presents for you the best choices to strengthen the 4 skills.

- If you have no chance of speaking to any English speaker atin reality ,

- For example'(delete the punctuation mark here, example doesn't have an apostrophe)Whenwhen you go to a restaurant..

- If you use this vocabularies in a sentence at least three times, you defiantly become a good leaner in English.

- The thing that precede all is that the power of will inside the selfyourself can make the miracle and create the ways to learn even if areit's not available.

Mariam, your essay is good, considering that you're a beginner. However, I need you need to take note of the following;

- use of punctuation marks, know when to use your period (.), comma (,), apostrophe ('), colon (:) and semi colon (;), remember that is the sentence is ending, use a period, if you are giving examples and its not the end of the sentence use comma (,)

- use of capital letters at the beginning of each and every sentence

- grammar and sentence construction should be polished as well

- proof read your essay in order to double check your work and to make sure you don't have any mistakes

Keep writing

OP mariam soos 1 / 1  
May 16, 2015   #3
thank you for your remarks. I have some points I want to be clear,first according to the apostrophe at" for example" I know it shouldn't be written here but because of the quick typing on the keyboard it is appeared unintentionally.

secondly, according to grammar and sentence construction , I wanna to clarify me are there any grammar mistakes other than the subject verb concord?, and according to the sentence constructions do you mean that I have a weak sentence construction or do you mean I get influenced by my native language with some expressions that they seem some times not English .

thirdly,according to punctuation marks ,is there any other observation about punctuation marks that you notice other than" for example"?

i wish to guide me more and more if there are any more remarks I will take them in to consideration.
justivy03 - / 2279  
May 18, 2015   #4

Regarding the remarks I made, the punctuation on the "example" and the rest of the remarks I made, this are all objective and done to help out.

Now, with this remarks, proof reading is very important to avoid such errors.

Keep writing.


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