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I always be interested to meet by Jenifer Aniston, one of the best American actresses

mahrou 16 / 14  
Apr 30, 2011   #1
If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Actually, entertainers and athletes are the most favorite groups among people. In fact, each of us is to be fond to some famous actors or actresses, pop stars, and athletes so that has a dream of visiting such persons. Indeed, I always be interested to meet by Jenifer Aniston, one of the best American actresses who have had been famous because of playing in the Friends series. As far as I'm concerned, I explain my reasons for this choice.

In my idea, Jenifer Aniston is one of the best entertainers who can play each role especially in the comedian's one. I never forget her role as "Rachel Green" in "Friends", one of the best comedians which have been showed from 1990 until 2004 in the US. Aniston has great act in this series as a role of a rich and pampered daughter who became more popular in Friends TV show. She can express their emotions very dramatically or become fun very interestingly. In fact, besides her beauty she is a real actress. I really enjoy from her two movies, "The object of my affection" and "The good girl".

Also, I always admire her styles because she is so dressy and her hair style is popular among women.

Moreover, she has many humanism feelings and I admire her personality. Aniston is the 10th rich American woman who spends most of her money in many charities and now supports many orphanage foundations in the US. Also she supports some medical research centers for cancer disease and so forth.

To sum up, I can say that Jenifer Aniston is one of the most favorite stars for me in the entertainers' world and I wish someday can meet her. She is so beauty, dressy, and has many talents for playing different roles especially comedy and emotion's. Besides, she has benevolent character in the real world which I acclaim its.

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