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Life is easier? Positive view about everything always help us for having a good life in every times.

Kian1378 3 / 5 2  
Sep 19, 2014   #1
Life always is difficult, and hardships appear in people's life in different aspects and backgrounds. In every time humans compete with limitations and make an effort to overcome obstacles. In one period of times having peace and security and in other period having enough foods or best facilities is a dream for people. Thus it is hard to make a fair judgment about life's condition of different generations and figure out which of them have easier life. In the following I will state my reasons for this choice.

In past time most of the people encountered with troubles for providing first requirements of their families because foods, water and other raw material in one side, and the technology for producing essential requirement in other side was restricted. Also, people had thin salary that caused they had not enough purchasing power. Additionally, medicine achievement was not enough to protect people from epidemic diseases. For example, my grandmother said me when she was a child; her family ate a meat just once a week and she lost two brothers due to epidemic disease. However, living in that time had its own advantages. For instance, population was not huge and finding job is highly competitive. People with little skills could get job. In addition they had much interaction with each other and social relations of people were strong. Also, People easily had access to natural environment and enjoyed from clean and fresh airs.

Today people have not difficulty for providing first requirements and overcome many diseases by developing knowledge of medicine. Now most of humans have high salary in comparison to the past times and enjoying from varied entertainment. For example, they can travel many places with best facilities. Children have their own cell phone, tablet and personal computers.

However other obstacles raised by passing times and people have new demands and requirements and try to compete with new limitations. for instances, living expense is increasing and people for using the educational and welfare facilities of society should spend more money. Furthermore, finding job transform to a drawback because with fast developing of technology in one side, and high population growth in other side, people should be up to date with new technologies and knowledge, and also try to do their best with jobs because if they cannot do, the other persons replace with them right away. Thus they always face to stress and anxious about catching jobs. Nowadays, by developing cities and technology people have virtual relation instead of real interaction and they live in pollution and busy environment. Thus many people have mental diseases more than physical disease due to depressions and stress of life which was rare in past.

All in all, every period of times has its advantages and disadvantages. But having a good feeling and positive view about everything always help us for having a good life in every times.
Anfalia 40 / 55 23  
Sep 19, 2014   #2
Life is always is difficult

In past time most of the people encountered with troubles for providing first requirements of their families because foods, water and other raw materials in one side

People with little skills could get job. In addition they had much interaction with each other and social relations of people were strong
Also, People easily had access had accessed easily
to natural environment and enjoyed from clean and fresh airs.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Sep 20, 2014   #3
To write an introductory paragraph, you have to show background information and thesis. For this moment, you did. Yet, we cannot mark whether you write the intro successfully or not as you didn't make the prompt clear. Please include the complete question.

This is not a well-organized paragraph as some ideas stated found here and there, which didn't show a coherence of thought.
For the next essay, try to construct the body paragraph using this outline:Topic sentence + more details + example. By doing so, I believe that you'll have a read worthy essay. Also, write the purpose of the essay: IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, etc.. as it helps readers share meaningful feedback.

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