The education's background of computer programming brings a person to the Pixar Animation Studio, her name is Danielly Feinberg, one of the most influencer animation creator in that studio. She said that as a pleasure to a part of pixar animation creator and that is the great opportunity for her, because all of the task that she did is the job that she want to do in her life.
idea math, science and coding were coming together to create the animation character. In Pixar animation studio, she learns how to execute the films. She starts from the dots, points and lines to become rocks, trees and forest and make a story about it. She change form, make a situation scene and turn the shadow in 3D animation as she saw in the real life. She was fascinated by all of it. In the stages, she shows the comparison between process form and the final form of her project. All the effects come together and become as a realistic scene as if it was an actual place that exists in the real world.
She shows to the audience about "Finding Nemo" movie project that was an excellent sample about create the unbelievable worlds. Make a movie look like underwater was the difficult one. In fact, she and her team made a reasearch the scene in underwater. They breakdown the physical effects for depth and how visibility works in the water to make it real in the movie. She pushed the reality in the real life. As a matter of fact, they do not try to create the scientifically correct real world, they only make a believable world that the viewers can immerse themselves to get the experience from the movie.
Summarized from TED Talks : The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life by Danielle Feinberg
idea math, science and coding were coming together to create the animation character. In Pixar animation studio, she learns how to execute the films. She starts from the dots, points and lines to become rocks, trees and forest and make a story about it. She change form, make a situation scene and turn the shadow in 3D animation as she saw in the real life. She was fascinated by all of it. In the stages, she shows the comparison between process form and the final form of her project. All the effects come together and become as a realistic scene as if it was an actual place that exists in the real world.
She shows to the audience about "Finding Nemo" movie project that was an excellent sample about create the unbelievable worlds. Make a movie look like underwater was the difficult one. In fact, she and her team made a reasearch the scene in underwater. They breakdown the physical effects for depth and how visibility works in the water to make it real in the movie. She pushed the reality in the real life. As a matter of fact, they do not try to create the scientifically correct real world, they only make a believable world that the viewers can immerse themselves to get the experience from the movie.
Summarized from TED Talks : The magic ingredient that brings Pixar movies to life by Danielle Feinberg