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The main causes of worldwide land depletion and the biggest consequences in different world parts

Iforsa 35 / 54 5  
Sep 4, 2016   #1
IELTS Task 1 Reasons Why Land Degradation Happen

The chart reveals the information about the main causes of worldwide land depletion. The table illustrates the percentage of the degradation land consequences in three different regions. It shows the trend in 1990. At seen, over-grazing was the main cause of why agricultural land less productive and Europa was the most affected area.

It can be seen that over-herding had the biggest consequences for the productivity of agricultural at 35%. Virtually 30% of land degradation was caused by deforestation. It was followed by over implantation at 20%.

The most significant fact to emerge the table was these causes exacerbating land agriculture extremely in Europa at 23% while the least in North America at 5 per cent. North America had the smallest percentage of all consequences except over implantation at 3.3 per cent smaller than Europe at 7.7 % but higher than Oceania at 0%. The most severe cause in Oceania was over-grazing at 11.3%. Generally, it was the biggest percentage to degrade agricultural land in three different regions.

Fadhilahumar91 61 / 73 6  
Sep 4, 2016   #2

he chart reveals the information about ...

The chart and the table reveal the information about the main causes of worldwide land depletion and the percentage of the degradation land consequences in three different regions in 1990

... was the main causeS of why agricultural land ...

The most significant fact to emerge the table ...

The most significant fact to emerge that agricultural land destruction is caused by Europa at 23% while the least in North America at 5 per cent.

he most severe cause in is Oceania was over-grazing at 11.3%

Thank you

I hope it is helpful

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