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The mass media makes the sensational issue from celebrities, eg. actors, singers and footballers

anita11 28 / 20 2  
Feb 18, 2016   #1
Q: The media pay too much attention to the lives and relationships of celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers. They should spend more time reporting the lives of ordinary people instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The life of extraordinary people always attracts to be reported. In fact, mass media makes the sensational issue from celebrities, including actors, singers and footballers. Meanwhile, news about ordinary people, having achievement, has to be informed also to encourage societies to be more creative and innovative like them. In this case, I personally believe that the media have to provide information about the behaviour of ordinary and extraordinary people in similar proportion.

Commonly, lifestyles of celebrities are more attractive to be reported. It is because everybody wants to know their behaviour and private life much more, and it also requires more profit to the media mass which publish it. To illustrate this, the report of newspaper and television programs towards the achievement and private life of Cristiano Ronaldo as a football player encourages people to read and watch these media. Finally, the news about him and other impressive persons gives more benefit to the media. There is no doubt that the tidings of impressive people, consisting of celebrities and footballers are more interesting to be published.

On the other hand, the achievement of the average people has to be reported too. It is because they do the same accomplishment as the famous ones in different sectors and give the pros to the societies also. For instance, the scientist who finds the equipment to help societies' job has to be appreciated through the news from mass media. Consequently, everybody knows about his invention and it encourages citizens to do something which includes a benefit to the societies' living.

To sum up, it is evident that the equal news about the famous and average people must be applied by the media in order that people are motivated to be more creative to invent something new which is useful for dwellers.
dcho23 6 / 4 2  
Feb 18, 2016   #2
The life of extraordinary people always attracts to be reported. In fact, mass media makesthe sensational issue fromregarding celebrities, including actors, singers and footballers.

... media have to provide information about the behaviourlives of ordinary and extraordinary ...

It will be better if you give suggestion in your conclusion (optional). Good job Anita
Bunglon11 28 / 31 5  
Feb 24, 2016   #3
Hi @anita11 Let me check your essay

The life of extraordinary people always attracts to be reported. In fact, mass media makes the sensational issue from celebrities, including actors, singers, and footballers. Meanwhile, news about ordinary people, havingan achievement, has to be informed also to encourage societies to be more creative and innovative like them.

Commonly, lifestyles of celebrities are more attractive to be reported. It is because everybody wants to know their behavior and private life much more, and it also requires more profit to the media mass which publishes it. .....

..........................Finally, the news about him and other impressive persons gives more benefits to the media. There is no doubt that the tidings of impressive people, consisting of celebrities and footballers are more interesting to be published.

I have read your essay, here some corrections from me
mita23 34 / 37 3  
Feb 24, 2016   #4
hai anita11. your writing is well organized, yet I want to give you some suggestions:

1. you need to concern on grammatical accuracy.
a. The life of extraordinary people always attracts (attract is verb transitive which needs object ) to be reported.
>> so, it will be better if you replace that sentence by " the life of extraordinary people is alwaysimpressive or attractive to be reported.

b. Meanwhile, news about ordinary people also , having achievement, has to be informed also to encourage societies to be more

2. you need to make good sentence in order to make the reader understand
>> It is because everybody wants to know their behavior and private life much more, and it also requires more profit to the media mass which publish it.

>> it is because ........ and private life much more and this will affect media mass in which they will get profit from this report.

thank you
putri22 33 / 33 5  
Feb 26, 2016   #5
In this case, I personally believe that the media ...
In this case, I personally believe that the media have to expose both information about ordinary and extraordinary people in balanced proportion.

thea scientist who finds the equipmentdiscovers a device to help societies' job has to be ...

To sum up, it is evident that the equal news about the ...
To sum up, it is evident that the news about famous and average people must be reported equally by the media in order that people are motivated to be more creative to invent something new which is useful for dwellers.

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