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Merits and Demerits of Nomadic Lifestyle

Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
Apr 7, 2015   #1
Question :
In the past people usually stayed in one place throughout their life. These days, people often move around. They often live in several different places in their lifetime. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Introduction :
A nomadic lifestyle is becoming more popular today than before. As such, some people argue that living in the same place makes them close to their family and it will not be hard for them to adapt with environment. However, some others believe that a new experience and a wider communication are benefits for people who move around but are things that cannot be experienced by people who stay in one place. Therefore, I prefer to move to new places than to stay in one place.

Growing in one place for whole lifetime brings benefits to people like a good relationship with their family. People may have time once a week or a month for gathering and sharing story so they have much quality time with their family. For example, in the past, people in Kalimantan had Rumah Betang where big family lived and gathered around in it for long time. Consequently, they might have a great-productive communication with their family and did not have difficulties in the adaptation process as they already adapted since born. Therefore, staying in hometown makes people spending so much time with their community and do not need long time for comforting theirself to their neighborhood.

On the other hand, a nomadic lifestyle gives more merits for people. Firstly, even they may adapt in long time, by moving from one place to other places, people may get new experiences. Living in new places enforces people to learn new cultures and to feel new atmosphere, while boring environment may felt by people who live permanently in their hometown. Afterwards, meeting new people and being involved in different conversation lead people to have large connection which is very useful when someday they need help. However, moving around makes people having less communication with their families. Nevertheless, growing in new places can give more positive effects in line of communication and experience.

To sum up, there are clear merits and demerits to the way people live. Getting older in hometown advantages people in relationship with family but disadvantages them as they only have small connection and experience. Therefore, I would prefer a nomadic lifestyle to enlarge communication and experience. Finally, it is imperative that people should try to move to new environment so as to add new story to their life.
mohjawahir 11 / 17  
Apr 8, 2015   #2
Therefore, I would prefer to move to new places than to stay in one place.

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