Please check my article review, it's due tomorrow
The article I'm about to review is entitled "Which One Would You Choose, Traditional or Modern Medicine?", the author of which is Marcel Glen Longdong. The alluring title has me surprised and curious to read more about what the author would say because the title implies how people are still going back-and-forth between traditional and modern medicine. Personally I do not understand why people still consider traditional medicine in this modern world where everything is based on science and medicine. Therefore I wonder if my understanding of traditional medicine all this time has been wrong.
The article is about the practice of traditional or alternative medicine in Indonesia and compared some of its aspects to modern medicine. People who practice traditional medicine are called shamans. Traditional medicine uses prayers and herbs to cure patients, but its practice is unique to each of Indonesia's regions. It is a part of local culture passed on from generation to generation. It classifies diseases as either personal, which is caused by magic, or naturalistic, which is caused by imbalance between one's inner self and surroundings. On the other hand, modern medicine is learned in the university. It considers illness as something wrong in the body which is proved by diagnostic results. For people in rural villages, they go to the shamans first then look for doctors when traditional medicine does not work, and vice versa. Despite the clear differences, it is impossible to decide which practice is right or wrong, at least according to a health anthropologist Sri Murni. She also added that the outcome of traditional medicine depends on the patients. And since there are many false shamans practising, people need to watch out so they will not fall victims. Eventually, which method of medicine to choose depends on the patients, because to have different types of health practices is human.
The writer of this article presents to the reader the comparison between traditional and modern medicine. The content is well-organized. The language used is communicative, so it is easy to understand even by those with no medical background at all. This is a wise decision because I think this article ought to be read by people from every level of society whose understanding of medical terms of issues may vary. This informative style in writing also makes the messages from the writer to be taken without ambiguous meaning. I do wish the writer had gone deeper with his explanation, such as how to avoid consulting to false shaman or how the practice of traditional medicine differs all across Indonesia. But overall, I enjoy how this article shows medicine in different light.
The article I'm about to review is entitled "Which One Would You Choose, Traditional or Modern Medicine?", the author of which is Marcel Glen Longdong. The alluring title has me surprised and curious to read more about what the author would say because the title implies how people are still going back-and-forth between traditional and modern medicine. Personally I do not understand why people still consider traditional medicine in this modern world where everything is based on science and medicine. Therefore I wonder if my understanding of traditional medicine all this time has been wrong.
The article is about the practice of traditional or alternative medicine in Indonesia and compared some of its aspects to modern medicine. People who practice traditional medicine are called shamans. Traditional medicine uses prayers and herbs to cure patients, but its practice is unique to each of Indonesia's regions. It is a part of local culture passed on from generation to generation. It classifies diseases as either personal, which is caused by magic, or naturalistic, which is caused by imbalance between one's inner self and surroundings. On the other hand, modern medicine is learned in the university. It considers illness as something wrong in the body which is proved by diagnostic results. For people in rural villages, they go to the shamans first then look for doctors when traditional medicine does not work, and vice versa. Despite the clear differences, it is impossible to decide which practice is right or wrong, at least according to a health anthropologist Sri Murni. She also added that the outcome of traditional medicine depends on the patients. And since there are many false shamans practising, people need to watch out so they will not fall victims. Eventually, which method of medicine to choose depends on the patients, because to have different types of health practices is human.
The writer of this article presents to the reader the comparison between traditional and modern medicine. The content is well-organized. The language used is communicative, so it is easy to understand even by those with no medical background at all. This is a wise decision because I think this article ought to be read by people from every level of society whose understanding of medical terms of issues may vary. This informative style in writing also makes the messages from the writer to be taken without ambiguous meaning. I do wish the writer had gone deeper with his explanation, such as how to avoid consulting to false shaman or how the practice of traditional medicine differs all across Indonesia. But overall, I enjoy how this article shows medicine in different light.