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Can all people justifiably break laws that they think are unjust? GRE

six2 1 / -  
Aug 10, 2015   #1
89. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.

Should every individual in a society obey just laws and disobey and resist unjust laws? The speaker claims so. I cannot, however, totally agree this statement for it seems to imply that everyone can justifiably break laws that they think unjust.

First of all, there is no gainsaying that laws are incomplete and have holes because human cognitive ability has limit. As rational and social animals, it is incumbent on every individual to observe laws,whose role is to maintain social order and warrant social stable development. Yet sometimes when some bills pose a challenge to some people's cherished conviction, they may regard these acts inequitable, even contravening the moral code. For example, the homosexual marriage law has successively been brought into effect in many countries. Out of religious belief, many people consider it unjust and immoral. Except for this, abortion is another controversial issue all over the world. In view of this, in some cases, laws are not always impartial for some people.

This does not, however, mean that any individual can arbitrarily disobey these laws, which could lead to social unrest. Whether a law is just or unjust dependents on personal views . As I mentioned above, some people view homosexual illegal while others regard it as a conformation with human nature and individual freedom and equality. If those violent anti-homosexual protesters attack gays and view it as a reasonable act whereas gays fight back and even cause loss of the homophobic lives, and think this behavior as legitimate self-defense, anyone can commit a murder and view this behavior as justifiable. Obviously, this can result in social great chaos and disorder.

Enacting just and fair laws is the final purpose of any legislature pursuing, but any law cannot be flexible enough to involve all conditions and cases. For government, the legislature should make every effort to establish just laws and warrant every individual's equality in the presence of laws. Once discovering irrationality and problems, related departments should take measures to resolve these problems and fill in the holes as soon as possible. For individual, everyone in a society has a responsibility to obey laws, though they would be incomplete. The public also have rights to supervise the equality of law enforcement and advance reasonable suggestions and proposals to related departments.

To sum up, whether people have a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws begs the question. The public should realize that law system is imperfect and limited. The fairness of laws demands be judged and regulated by an authoritative and disinterested department. Any illegal act ought to be prevented and prohibited. Only then can our society maintain stable and orderly development.
ChristineB - / 98 55  
Aug 11, 2015   #2
Hi, I will help you with some of the sentences in your essay.

I cannot, however, totally agree this statement for it seems to imply that everyone can justifiably break laws that they think unjust.

I would omit the "however" and "totally," add a "with before "agree," and add an "are" at the end. Let me demonstrate:

I cannot , however, totally agree with this statement for it seems to imply that everyone can justifiably break laws that they think are unjust.

First of all, there is no gainsaying that laws are incomplete and have holes because human cognitive ability has limit.

"Gainsaying" is not a word I'm too familiar with. I would just use "denying" here. "Limit" should be plural.

First of all, there is no gainsayingdenying that laws are incomplete and have holes in them because human cognitive ability has limit.limits.

You could also shorten it and write it this way:
First of all, there is no denying that laws are incomplete and have holes in them because human cognitive ability has limits.

Yet sometimes when some bills pose a challenge to some people's cherished conviction, they may regard these acts inequitable, even contravening the moral code.

This sentence is wordy. I'll show you how to improve its style:
Yet sometimes when some bills pose a challenge to some people's cherished conviction, they may regard these acts inequitable, even contravening the moral code.When people face financial pressures, however, they may view certain laws as inequitable.

For example, the homosexual marriage law has successively been brought into effect in many countries.

I think this should be reworded to improve its style.
For example,One example of a passed law that has proved difficult for some people to accept is the law permitting homosexual marriage law has successively been brought into effect in many countries .

Out of religious belief, many people consider it unjust and immoral.

Out of religious belief, manyMany people consider it an unjust and immoral law.given their religious beliefs.

Except for this, abortion is another controversial issue all over the world.

Except for this, abortionThe abortion law is another controversial issuelaw all over the world.

I hope that has helped you some :)

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