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Prehistoric village of Palea, evidences. GRE Argument topic 1

Mriytunjay 4 / 8 2  
Sep 12, 2012   #1
The immediate vicinity of the prehistoric village of Palea and therefore were believed to have been made only by the Palean people. Recently, however, archaeologists discovered such a "Palean" basket in Lithos, an ancient village across the Brim River from Palea. The Brim River is very deep and broad, and so the ancient Paleans could have crossed it only by boat, and no Palean boats have been found. Thus it follows that the so-called Palean baskets were not uniquely Palean.

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

Human civilization has been embellished with its rich history. Further, our archaeological surveys has been spotting lights on crucial developments that has been carried our civilization upto this stage since ages. In this context such a finding has been described through archaeological survey .

The issue starts with the survey that has been carried out at prehistoric village of Palea. The artifacts such as Palean baskets are found from that place, which is believed to be the avenue to cross the river.On the contrary, the Brim river, which is very deep, broad, and it is quiet conspicuous that boat is extremely essential to cross it. However, no Palean boats have been found on the investigation. So,the baskets befuddled investigators about its relation with Palean age.

Earlier civilizations were generally used to establish their habitat on the banks of river. Many great civilizations has been sustaining since ages. Thus, it is quiet evident that Palean Civilization might have sustained near the bank of river Brim. As the river is main source for their cultivation, food, and necessities. This might have inspired archaeologist to put across their investigation on this spot. Moreover, the early excavation also brought forth with some apparent artifacts of that age. These findings has again ignited the inquisitiveness of furthering the exploration.

The point of concern in this is that , whether the baskets are belong to the prehistoric Palean Village? or these are mere things of no importance. The fuzziness raised when it seems that Brim river is quiet broad and deep and basket are not the media to cross it. As no boats are also discovered from this site, this further strengthen the clue that the basket may not have any relevance to this investigation. However, during prehistoric ages people used to use bamboos to make flat canopy to cross the river. Further, the baskets may be used for their household works such as keeping grains, clothes, vegetables etc.

Present development of technology may also help further to date the approximate age of basket. In this way the doubt may be neglect. Refuting the evidence with intuition may hamper to decipher clues which might provide us further substantial information. Carbon dating is a useful process in this regard. Further, it is quiet imperative that, basket is a very useful and early developed equipment and hence it presence shows the quiet handy evidence of the footprint of Palean Civilization. There is also ample possibility that, at that time people might have used other crude media to cross the river.

In conclusion, I believe that, the basket should be dated with scientific methodology before refuting it as a footprint of that era. Further, during prehistoric ages people used to take many other media such as flat bamboo canopy, and logs of banana trees to cross the rivers. These are also biodegradable and hence investigators are not finding its clue of it.

OP Mriytunjay 4 / 8 2  
Sep 14, 2012   #2
plz evaluate this essay...I want to know about the the standard of my writing ability in terms of GRE AWA. Kindly Score it.
crackhamster 5 / 7  
Sep 27, 2012   #3
I am not familiar with "GRE AWA", but do you have any idea of the rubric or scoring system they use? If you let me know I could try to evaluate this for you.
OP Mriytunjay 4 / 8 2  
Sep 28, 2012   #4
GRE AWA scores with maximum of 6. Can u rate my essay on this scale?
westway50 1 / 8  
Sep 29, 2012   #5
im doing gre practice too right now. i think you might have gotten a 3.5 or 4 on this. the scoring is based on 3 parts, focus, organization and conventions. focus seems like a 4 because you touched on the arguments. a 5 would require a deeper analysis of them. the organization could be a bit better. based on rubic from the practice book im using, i would guess a 3-4. then conventions which is like grammer and vocab i would say a 3.5-4. hopes this helps, but im by no mean qualified to actually judge. this is just a guess
OP Mriytunjay 4 / 8 2  
Oct 1, 2012   #6
Hi Westway50

Thanx for your grading my essay. I seek your suggestion for the practice of Essay. Can u suggest me some book in this regard. It would be really an emphatic support for me at this stage. Thanx again.

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