Women in aged 40-44 years who had children in Australia is reported in a table over 25 years since 1981. Overall, the woman who has no child, one child, and two children climbed for the every year. However, the other category showed decreased percentages.
In all of the period, the woman who has two children was the biggest percentages. In 1981, the data shows 29% and in the end of the period, the data showed 38.3% it describe the data increase 9.3%. The second biggest data at 1981 was the four or more children had 27.6% but in the end of the period, the data plummeted to 11%.
The data of no children and one child from the woman in 40 - 44 years was increased significantly which no children increased 7.4% from 8.5% to 15.9% and one child increased 5.6% from 7.6% to 13.2%. However, Woman had three children decreased significantly from 27.4% to 21.5%.
In all of the period, the woman who has two children was the biggest percentages. In 1981, the data shows 29% and in the end of the period, the data showed 38.3% it describe the data increase 9.3%. The second biggest data at 1981 was the four or more children had 27.6% but in the end of the period, the data plummeted to 11%.
The data of no children and one child from the woman in 40 - 44 years was increased significantly which no children increased 7.4% from 8.5% to 15.9% and one child increased 5.6% from 7.6% to 13.2%. However, Woman had three children decreased significantly from 27.4% to 21.5%.