Being a good athlete just not depend on muscles, but need visual ability peripheral. Its vital for An athlete to detecting and predicting physical manuvers which is rival,Quickly scaning and notice tracking objects. Many factors requires good visual ability one of all is environment. For cases backround field and degree of lighting have big contributing to might focus an athlete. In other hand blink eyes influencing peripheral an athlete, everityng that catches they should quickly record and predicting next occure for example a volley ball player must pay attention to body positioning in relation to the speed and angel of the moving ball when the rival smashing or passhing. Overall the good athlete is good muscle, strategy and peripheral.
Quickly scanning and noticing tracking objects - an athlete's recipe for success
aloha Bams, here are my thoughts:
Being a good athlete just does not only depend on muscles, but alsoneeds visual ability peripheral.Itsit is vital for an athlete to detecting and predicting physical manuversmisspelling which is rival,Quickly scaningmisspelling and notice tracking objects.
For cases backroundmisspelling field and degree of lighting ...
Inon the other hand blink eyes influencingaffect peripheral an athlete, everityngmisspellingthat catches they (...) predicting next occuremisspelling for example a volley ball (...) when the rival smashing or passhingmisspelling .
Being a good athlete just does not only depend on muscles, but alsoneeds visual ability peripheral.
For cases backroundmisspelling field and degree of lighting ...