The table shows the sector of economy which is different age groups for employment.
Generally, retail is higher employment sector of the economy than others, in 18-25 age groups. Followed by other employment sector in 25-40 age group and manufacturing employment sector in 40-65 age group.
From the table, in 18-25 age groups, retail is the most employment sector than others than followed by manufacturing health and other. For 25-40 age groups, work in education and local government sector. While in 40-65 age groups, people more prefer to work mostly in manufacturing but they work in retail more or less the same with the middle group's which less than 4 times that the youngest one do.
Interestingly, employment sector of law has same value for all of age groups which is value about 4. In 25-40 years-old group even has the least number working in accountancy which is just 2. Local government and education are two common sectors which all people want to work for.
Generally, retail is higher employment sector of the economy than others, in 18-25 age groups. Followed by other employment sector in 25-40 age group and manufacturing employment sector in 40-65 age group.
From the table, in 18-25 age groups, retail is the most employment sector than others than followed by manufacturing health and other. For 25-40 age groups, work in education and local government sector. While in 40-65 age groups, people more prefer to work mostly in manufacturing but they work in retail more or less the same with the middle group's which less than 4 times that the youngest one do.
Interestingly, employment sector of law has same value for all of age groups which is value about 4. In 25-40 years-old group even has the least number working in accountancy which is just 2. Local government and education are two common sectors which all people want to work for.