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Summary article_5 ways to stay mentally strong when you are stressed

David54 15 / 22 1  
Sep 29, 2016   #1
The problems of life are one of the main factor causing stress either at home or in the workplace. There are five ways to keep our mind stay healthy that we have to remember. Firstly, always think that all problems we facing every day are only temporary. So, feeling will be better than before. Secondly, place your position as an observer if you have had a problem to get some viewpoint in that situation. Thirdly, sometimes a tiny matter is a perfect way to reduce nerves, such as breathe deeply, do it slowly with full concentrating. In addition, when you are in horrible situation that makes you feeling down, always remember about your successful event that you have achieved well. This is very effective to boost your mood. The other great way to keep you healthy is doing exercise regularly. For instance, ride a bike or cook a food that suitable with your hobbies.
Yonathan 46 / 65 5  
Sep 29, 2016   #2
Hi David
Let me give you some advice...

The problems (problem) of life are one of the main factor (factors) causing stress either.l..
So,(your) feeling will be better than before.
... way to reduce nerves, such as breathe(breath) deeply, do it slowly ...
In addition, when you are in horrible(bad) situation that makes ...
For instance, ride a bike or cook(make) a food that suitable ...

Actually your summarization skill are quite good
Thank you and keep writing...
Sari Trisna 7 / 11  
Sep 29, 2016   #3
Hi David54..
Let me give you some corrections..

.., do it slowly with full concentratingconcentrations .

Good Job.
I hope It is helpful..

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