the amounts of rain in Woodsville and Blacksboro
The given table provides information on the average precipitation in 12 months of the year in Woodsville and Blacksboro.
Overall, it is clear that Woodsville has higher average rainfall level than Blacksboro does. Additionally, the driest month of both cities is July.
Woodsville receives a relatively high rainfall record in January (5 inches). The figure then decreases gradually until July when it bottoms at the value of 0.75 inches. After that, the last 5 months witness a considerable rise in rainfall level with the highest records in November and December (6 and 5 inches, respectively).
In Blacksboro, the rainiest months of the year are January and February with the average precipitation of 3 and 4 inches. Similar to Woodsville, the city enters dry season in the next 5 months and the rain level in July is measured just 0.01 inches. Then the figure grows slightly till the end of the year with the measurement of 2.5 inches in December.