Various cultural activities in Scotland
The given table depicts age-wise details of participation in terms of various cultural activities, which were taken from a survey of 6800 Scottish adults over the past year.
Generally, the cultural pursuits in the provided table were grouped into 6 types with the most participants registering in performance, craft works, visual arts and cultural purchases of between 15-22% for all respondents. In contrast, writing and computer-assisted cultural activities generated a low level of interest, which varied between 6 and 7%.
Looking at the specific demographic groups, the 16-24 year-olds were most likely to undertake performance and visual arts, at 35% and 30% respectively. The remaining cultural categories were less participated, whose recorded percentages were similar from 10 to 17%.
For participants aged between 25 and 44 years old as well as the 45-75 year-olds, the cultural activities including engaging performance, craftworks, purchasing items of cultural interest and visual arts had the highest level of participation, ranging from 11 to 22% of all those surveyed. Writing and computer-based pursuits experienced less interest in these age groups at a comparatively small range of between 5-9%.
Scottish cultural activities