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should take circumstance and motivation for committing into account for penalty?

thinhtvdhtm 41 / 97  
Nov 10, 2009   #1
i am preparing for ielst, but i really worry about my writing, could u help me check for my grammar, structures and logic
thanks so much

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, think that the circumstance of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should be taken into account when making decision on the punishment.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinions?

The question whether or not punishment should be fixed for each kind of crime is controversial. In fact, there are many arguments which are both for and against for this view.

On the on side, people think that it would be better when there are fixed penalty for each type of crime. This will help reduce the numbers of criminals and bring the justice and equity to society. When a person is going to commit, if there is a certain for the kind of crime which he is going to do, he will know what will happen with him if he commits. This thought can make him feel frightened and prevent him from doing illegal things. As a result, the number of crime will be reduced and society becomes safer. Furthermore, those people also believe that if the punishment depends on the circumstance and motivation which sometimes is difficult to be determined correctly, criminals will have more chance to escape from the penalty of the law by cheating the court.

On the other side, some people consider that the governments should take circumstance and motivation of crime into account when deciding on the penalty. It is unfair when a person who kills other people in self defense and killer who has plans for committing. Consequently, in this situation, taking circumstance and motivation ensure the equity for all people.

In conclusion, personally, I am definite for taking cases and motivation for committing when the court decides on the punishment, which ensures the equity of the law. Moreover, to ensure that criminals cannot escape from their crimes, the court needs to make decision on the punishment consciously and objectively.
bilal ABUZENAH 15 / 81  
Nov 10, 2009   #2
this essay is very close to your other essay, I mean the way you write it.
OP thinhtvdhtm 41 / 97  
Nov 10, 2009   #3
thanks bilal ABUZENAH
could u point out my mistakes and help me make them better
thanks so muhc
bilal ABUZENAH 15 / 81  
Nov 10, 2009   #4
try to change your way,when you write your essays,be inventor.
The write is art,so let's try something new each time you write.

On the on side...
he will know what will happen to him if he commits.
the number of crimes will be reduced and society becomes safer.

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