A breakdown of the number of precipitation which include hours of sunshine absorption and days with thunder and the measurement of temperature in Brasilia and Recife are presented in the both bar graphs. Overall, more rainfall in Recife occur from April to August and the rest of month occur in Brasilia. While the warmest city is Recife, the coldest city is Brasilia.
At maximum 250 mm precipitation falls in January for Brasilia. However, this figure decrease dramatically from February to June, with just roughly 10 mm rainfall and 2 wet days. Yet, it figure reveals recovery between August and December at approximately 260 mm rainwater and 16 days with thunder. The number of sunshine hour show a similar trend in a year, which hovers between 4 - 9 days. When it comes to temperature, Brasilia has months with below 10 degree.
A more detailed look at the graph displays that Rainfall average in Recife city shows a reverse trend compare to its counterpart. The city has seven months which is at above 100 mm precipitation, from February to August and 25 wet days. However, this rainfall average is at below 50 mm when January and September onwards, with 10 wet days. Surprisingly, although the least figure for sunshine absorption just 3 hours and for days with thunder is less than one. Moreover, almost the time, the temperature is between the range of 25 and 35 degree.
At maximum 250 mm precipitation falls in January for Brasilia. However, this figure decrease dramatically from February to June, with just roughly 10 mm rainfall and 2 wet days. Yet, it figure reveals recovery between August and December at approximately 260 mm rainwater and 16 days with thunder. The number of sunshine hour show a similar trend in a year, which hovers between 4 - 9 days. When it comes to temperature, Brasilia has months with below 10 degree.
A more detailed look at the graph displays that Rainfall average in Recife city shows a reverse trend compare to its counterpart. The city has seven months which is at above 100 mm precipitation, from February to August and 25 wet days. However, this rainfall average is at below 50 mm when January and September onwards, with 10 wet days. Surprisingly, although the least figure for sunshine absorption just 3 hours and for days with thunder is less than one. Moreover, almost the time, the temperature is between the range of 25 and 35 degree.