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( IELTS essay) universities should give importance in theoretical or practical educat

joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Jan 8, 2013   #1
Some people think that universities should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give practical training throughout their courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

Universities are places where pupil learns subjects in depth. For achieving complete knowledge, theoretical knowledge and practical experiences are essential. To succeed in this competitive world, I feel universities should provide a well balanced education giving equal importance to both theory and practical training.

To begin with, theory is the basic of practical training. Student acquires knowledge more easily when given relative theoretical examples to build upon. For instance, studying subjects like history or sociology, textbook examples allows students to unravel complex academic theories, which they could expand on. Moreover, through theories it is to pass the acquired knowledge of the past to the younger generation. Nevertheless, not all subjects can be taught by practical experience such as wildlife and aquatic life studies.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that students could find tedious and monotonous themselves in reading and learning academic papers. Human brain learns better by doing. For instance, university degree involving the evaluation of numerous long-winded academic lessons provides little inspiration for the students. On the other hand, interest can be stimulated through empirical research in the class. Thus, learning will be more interesting and memorable. Although, it is time consuming, there is no substitute for learning from making mistakes. Furthermore, job market seeks people with experiences and thus they can enjoy the fruits of gainful employment.

In conclusion, both methods have benefits and drawbacks if implementing alone. I feel that if the curriculum is mixing these two approaches in a right way, then the learning process will be more understandable, enjoyable and useful for their future.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 8, 2013   #2
Universities are places where pupil learns subjects in depth.

Use the word "student" as it is more commonly used in connection with universities. "pupil" is more associated with the schools :)

Also keep it in plural as it sounds better that way;
Universities are places where students gain subject knowledge in depth.
mcuong01 12 / 24 3  
Jan 9, 2013   #3
Taken as a whole you have a good job. Firstly, the essay is just long enough so that you'll surely have more chances to control the examining time. Secondly, you used a quite wide range of vocabularies despite the fact that a few of them are incorrect or inappropriate. Thirdly, your assignment are divided into four clearly paragraphs connected by linking words, which makes it comprehensible.

As a reader, nevertheless, I find your ideas seemingly unconvincing. Personally, I would blame it partly on your presentation. I would not jump into the discussion about how bad your essay is. Instead, I am going to introduce a recomendation for your reference and hopefully it is useful for you.

In a case of two-paragraph body like your essay, each paragraph should consist of a main idea and at least three supporting ones so as to not only make it more convincing but also enable your assignment long enough as requested. A good example of this is:

1. Main idea: clear, direct and strong.
2. Reason why you offer that idea.
3. Take an example to support your arguement in sentence 2.
4. Expand your idea by comparing with the past, foreseeing the change / trend in the future.
Good luck.
Callie0202 5 / 14  
Jan 9, 2013   #4
enable your assignment long enough as requested. A good example of this is:
1. Main idea: clear, direct and strong.
2. Reason why you offer that idea.
3. Take an example to support your arguement in sentence 2.
4. Expand your idea by comparing with the past, foreseeing the change / trend in the future.

Excellent suggestions!
OP joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Jan 10, 2013   #5

Thank you so .... Much for your valuable comments...

I am agreeing that my essays are not excellent...):
I am always in tension with vocabularies...):
The other problem is the length of my essays..
The speed i hope some what i can manage...
Please ... Notifiy my incorrect vocabularies..
I like harsh comments and you are appreciated...

i will try to follow it..
Please cont ...in (harsh..):...) comments on my essay and wellcome to my circle of friends...):

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