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IELTS: theoretical knowledge couples with useful skills are not only practical but also necessary

adriennelin 11 / 30  
Aug 19, 2010   #1
Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.

What, in your opinion should be the main function of a university?

As more and more people go to universities, the question about what should we teach our future generations raises several concerns. It is some peoples' belief that it is useless to teach something that students will not need when they enter the workforce. On the other hand, some hold the view that university is the temple of knowledge, which is why we should focus on knowledge itself rather than skills. From my point of view, I believe that universities should provide practical skills that can prepare us for future jobs.

Firstly, the reason most students choose to go on further education is so that they can have better qualifications and capabilities, for instance, computer skills, presentation techniques, negotiation training, to obtain a decent job. If schools only provide theoretical knowledge, students would have to start over because they do not have hand-on experiences, which might be overwhelming. The massive amount of tuition they paid might not be worth it.

Secondly, the employment market is so competitive these days that a degree is no longer a guarantee when job hunting. Certificates such as business, computer languages proficiency certificates are stronger weapons. For example, if two people both have an MBA degree, the one with language skills would more likely to be employed. That is, a diploma is no longer enough, unfortunately, students need to be both academically and physically capable if they are to compete in today's economy.

In conclusion, I believe that theoretical knowledge couples with useful skills are not only practical but also necessary. Universities should provide both as they are what future needs.

(265 words)

Did I answer the question of the topic correctly?
Or were I off topic?
Are the examples I provide acceptable?
I'd love some feedbacks, thank you!
Yayz 10 / 121  
Aug 19, 2010   #2
some hold the view that a university is a temple of knowledge

most students choose to go on further their education

qualifications and capabilities, for instancesuch as , computer skills, presentation techniques, and negotiation training

hands -on experience

Certificates such as business, computer languages proficiency certificates are stronger weapons.

You wrote certificates such as...blank and blank certificates. Write either ...blank and blank or ...blank certificates and blank certificates

the one with language skills would more likely to be employed
the one with language skills wouldis more likely to be employed

is no longer enough, and, unfortunately

if they are to competesucceed in today's economy.
--anyone can compete but I think you are trying to make a point about success

theoretical knowledge coupled with useful skills areis not only

they are what the future needs.

Wow, you've written really well!

Did I answer the question of the topic correctly?
It seems so. You provided a viewpoint and defended it

Are the examples I provide acceptable?
People go to school so they can succeed in the workforce was right on point--give the people what they came for
The competitiveness of the job market probably isn't as strong because you seem to suggest that an employer values a degree from a university...but that doesn't mean the university has to be experience oriented. I think you should clarify the idea that an employer looks for work-related experience gained in a university. That can really help =)
OP adriennelin 11 / 30  
Aug 20, 2010   #3
Wow, you've written really well!

Thanks Maria!!! You're so kind! :D
You have no idea how glad I am to hear that!
It gains my confidence!

doesn't mean the university has to be experience oriented.

I think what I'm trying to say is that...
Since the competition in the job market is getting tougher, schools also need to provide more things for the students, or else they might choose to drop out of the school that kind of thing. Does that make sence? uhmm... or let me put it this way, it's also a trend for the universities to do so because providing "just knowledge" is not enough anymore... (students might look for internship opportunities or look for universities that offer internship opportunities... like that)

Arrr... Then that sounds like point one? :(
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Aug 21, 2010   #4
This looks great...

I'll add that I think you can "sharpen" each paragraph by adding a sentence to the end of each. Add a sentence that gets even more specific about the main idea of the paragraph. You don't have to do it for all paragraphs, but it will be nice if you can find some inspiration to add specificity with an additional sentence on some.

The real answer to the question must be that the university needs to accomplish both and without accomplishing both it would be remiss. They do not need to be compared, because there is a demand for liberal arts by students who want a classical education, yet there is a demand also for job training. It is supply and demand. If a school does not offer any preservation of culture does not offer any exploration of history and the arts, then it will not be as appealing to students.

So... the free market keeps universities providing both!
OP adriennelin 11 / 30  
Aug 23, 2010   #5
I'll add that I think you can "sharpen" each paragraph by adding a sentence to the end of each.

I'm not sure how to do that...
Do you mean, like, use another sentence to talk about my topic sentence??
Or use another sentence to conclude that paragraph?

YES! Universities need to survive too!
In Taiwan, we have too many universities for too little students.
Some (not-so-good universities) are now force to close down.
And the government is trying to "combine" universities to save money and resources...
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Aug 24, 2010   #6
Or use another sentence to conclude that paragraph?

Add a sentence that gets even more specific about the main idea of the paragraph.

Secondly, the employment market is so competitive these days that a degree is no longer a guarantee when job...That is, a diploma is no longer enough, unfortunately, students need to be both academically and physically capable if they are to compete in today's economy. This increased competition makes it necessary to give priority to the university's task of preparing students for their careers.

A sentence added to the end of a paragraph can sharpen it.

haghshenas 3 / 2  
Sep 2, 2010   #7
just one point,
as far as i understand by studying ITB7 book, it is better not to express your idea in the introduction part of ielts essay.
good luck
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Sep 3, 2010   #8
as far as i understand by studying ITB7 book, it is better not to express your idea in the introduction part of ielts essay.

Hello Haghshenas, I moved your other essay to a new thread. Please click your username in order to find it.

Is it true that an IELTS essay should not have a thesis statement in the introduction paragraph? If so, please tell me about what it says in the ITB7 book. I often suggest to people that they should have the thesis in the intro, so if I am wrong I need to know about it! Thanks for telling me. :-)

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