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Theoretical knowledge or practical skill.

Edna 7 / 19 7  
Dec 9, 2012   #1
Many school graduates find themselves unable to do practical work or to solve practical problems at work. There have been areguments that the school curriculum should cut down on theoretical knowledge to focus more on students' practical (knowledge) skills.

To what extent do you agree with this (300-350 words)

People have argued that theoretical knowledge should not be imparted in schools instead practical training should become the principle aim. I totally agree with this viewpoint.

First of all, many school graduates find themselves unable to do practical work or to solve practical problems at work, as well as the number of young graduates that cannot find jobs is increasing since universities spend too much attention on students' theoretical education rather than practical work skills. Therefore, it is understandable that what young students have learnt at their higher levels tend to dissatisfy the demand of their jobs.

Secondly, another fact worth noticing is that the youth lack experiences in social communication, which is needed for their work space in the near future. And to achieve this skill is not any easy for reserved person and they cannot grasp all of this in a short period of time but to practice it afterschool or within the lessons when they are in college.

On the other hand, universities that focus on practical training create students who can only know about their jobs. These students cannot learn how to answer questions about the world or communicate with other graduates who have gained a wide range of world knowledge. What is more, theoretical knowledge benefits the students who plan to be experts in specific areas. Thus, without academic background, it is impossible for young graduates to research something deeply.

To sum up, the school curriculum should cut down on theoretical knowledge to focus more on students' practical skills. Only by doing this can universities students be well-qualified graduates and could be able to address any practical problems at work.

( Please help me with this. I've run out of ideas :(( )
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 9, 2012   #2
Hi Edna,
I like your introduction...It's short but contains everything it should. It's better if you briefly introduce the reasons as to why you believe so, but this is too fine because you may not have all the time at the exam to do it. Also as a tip for the exam, you better write a short intro like this and move on to other paras. Once you finish the essay and if have spare time, you can come back to intro and add the reasons :D

However, your body paras do not contain specific examples : ( That's an issue for you to earn a good score :D

This idea you can actually use for an example in your first body para. There you say that graduates lack necessary skills required by work environments. Communication skill is one of them. : )

In the introduction you stated that you are in agreement with the statement mentioned in the topic.

Yes.... this is a very valid point.
You write well and display a great potential for a real good score for this task.... Pay more attention to the mistakes you did here :D
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Dec 9, 2012   #3
First of all, many school graduates find themselves unable to do practical work or to solve practical problems at work...

Hmmm.. The sentence is a little too long. Try to break it down.
Firstly, many school graduates find themselves unable to do practical work or to solve practical problems at work. This has caused the number of unemployed graduate students to rise since the university too offers a theoretical education rather than a practical one.

I like your examples. Try to find more and I think you will need a bit more detail for the ones you already have. Oh by the way your introduction is great as Dumi said. :)

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