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"in the way to success, there is no feet of lazy person" luck/hard work=Success

meokhoang94 1 / -  
Oct 2, 2014   #1
there are many opinions about luck and hard work in success. in my viewpoint, I completely agree with an opinion that: luck has nothing to do with success because of some reasons. First, hard work is foundation for every success. That means: nothing can replace hard work if you want to success. Someone say they are not lucky when they fall. However,if they brave their failure and continue hard work, they will success without lucky. second, you will do nothing when you just wait for luck. There is an old story say: there was a man under the tree, although he was very hungry, he didn't want to pick fruits to eat. He just wait for luck that them fall in his mouth. Then, he died from hungry. Do you know what it mean? All of us don't know when or where the luck comes, so waiting for luck is wasting of time. will you hard work to success or wait for luck to die from hungry like that man? Finally, what is the luck? It just result of hard work. If you hard work, the luck is going to come as a result. In history, there are many inventions which invent by luck. For example henri, french inventor found radioactive substance by accident. he couldn't expose fluorescent substance in the sun because of bad weather then he and his wife realized radioactive substance in that condition.you can say they were lucky because of the weather, but don't forget how they hard work in along time.if they didn't work hard, they had never found radioactive substance although how many times the luck comes. We can conclude that hard work is the most important factor in success. " in the way to success, there is no feet of lazy person".
hsamadii 3 / 6 1  
Oct 2, 2014   #2
"they will success without lucky "
they will succeed without luck

"to die from hungry like that man"
to die from hunger like that man

"It just result of hard work"
it is just result of hard work

" but don't forget how they hard work in along time"
but don't forget how hard they worked for long hours

pleas pay more attention in word orders and separate your paragraphs.
ksuydam54 2 / 1  
Oct 18, 2014   #3
Read this out load slowly to yourself. a couple of small words could be added "the". Succeed instead of success in the third sentence.

Home / Writing Feedback / "in the way to success, there is no feet of lazy person" luck/hard work=Success
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