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Weed, the blessing and the curse.

ernymorphy 1 / -  
May 6, 2015   #1
Millions of people are lighting up, chasing that high all over the world. Smoking Weed also known as marijuana, Cannabis, blunt, Ganja, pot, Dope, just to name a few is becoming, a phenomenon no longer a crime, which brings us to the big question; What are the benefits and detrimental effect of weed and do we have enough information to make the decision to indulge?

Cannabis as it was called before the 1930's was a legal drug on pharmacy shelves and prescribed by doctors. It became illegal in 1937 due to propaganda from then commissioner of federal bureau of narcotics Henry J. Anslinger, The potency of the drug since then has increased drastically.

Many medications before they are allowed by the FDA for public consumption are tested for years. Most people would not consume them if they haven't been approval of these drugs. Vaccines that could save millions are still being debated upon by many. In the case of marijuana many people want to play the role of the researchers that is, take the drug any ways and throw reason aside.

Scientific methods are specific and clear but in the case of marijuana most of this protocol is being jumped. 80% of the cases or articles supporting marijuana consumption are mainly observational. Most conclusions are always towards the fact that the mechanism of action is not understood. . Observation studies alone cannot be used to establish scientific facts. There might be some doubt on the effect of marijuana on an individual who started consumption in their adult hood but there is scientific evidence backing the fact that heavy cannabis consumption in early teens to adult hood leads to significant decline in IQ scores.

Contrary to some large scale publications before, there is evidence that there can be long lasting changes in the brains reward system and the hippocampus. Brain scans show significant brain cell damage in the brains of those who consume weed. These effects are mild for adult above 24 years of age and with the percentage of TCH in the weed. For people below 24 and teenagers the consequences are different and more severe. Prior to 24 your prefrontal cortex is not fully developed and this part of the brain is responsible for planning, thinking, proper communication and interaction. Marijuana impairs the white mater highway of communication in the brain prevent proper development of the frontal cortex of the brain.

The current use of marijuana was reported at 8% of the US population indicating that there is a 5 million increase users in the past 5 years. (Denise C. vidot et al) This increase could be associated to the increase media attention and acceptance and legislation in some states. There is direct link or concurrent increase of marijuana use and obesity. Studies dating back to the late 1970's have reported that marijuana use increases appetite and food intake35-38 with a significant increase in total calories and snack food intake high in carbohydrates high carbohydrate use leads to metabolic syndrome

As reported by the NIDA & NIH, 1 out of 15 high school seniors are regular marijuana users despite the compelling evidence it's harmful to the adolescents brain. This number is increasing consistently. Working in the mental health sector you see numerous young adults who have been in significant accidence and rape situations because they where under the influence.

The effect of marijuana for one person is different from one person to another and there have been cases of young adults who took it for the fist time and it lead to early unset of schizophrenia.

Some people might have manageable chemical imbalance and this use of weed gets it to uncontrollable levels. There is evidence many after using weed always move to harder drugs. Next to alcohol marijuana is the second most frequently found substance in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents? According to the US drug Enforcement administration, a large percentage of those arrested for crimes tested positive for marijuana. Of all adults 26 or older who used marijuana before age 15, 62% went on to use cocaine at some point in their lives 9% went on to use heroin.

The main components of weed THC and CBT have different effect on the human brain. Before it was assumed only CBT was the beneficial and THC was considered the detrimental aspect and was responsible just for the high. The other complex aspect of these two chemicals is their synergistic effect they both enhance each other in providing stimulation in the brain. Older researches though show of THC as the non-medicinal part of marijuana, but newer researches are showing the opposite. Its really difficult to make and astute judgment at this point because many results are conflicting. Most scientists agree on the amazing benefit of marijuana even though they don't fully know the how.

THC has also been shown to disrupt the transmission of pain signals. Alternative medicine is something which is very prevalent now especially for diseases which regular scientific methods cannot find a cure. In the light of this, marijuana has taken center stage in this form of treatment especially in terminal diseases. Two other well-known effects of the THC-CB1 linkage are the stimulation of appetite. Many people trying to gain weight might use this increase their appetite. Appetite is a big issue for people who are sick so weed is a good means of solving this problem. A boon for AIDS patients and others who need to maintain body weight, and the suppression of nausea, a benefit for some cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. THC has also been shown to disrupt the transmission of pain signals. It's also used for pain treatment for people with chronic pain issues and people with cancer.

Charlotte Figi, a child whose nearly constant seizures were dramatically curtailed with cannabidiol, a marijuana ingredient. This has led to many people considering marijuana as a possible treatment for their sick children. American people smoking marijuana based on this anecdote alone are simply using themselves as lab rats.

More doctors now prescribe it in their clinics. Like in the past during crisis situation many vaccines have been tested or tried on humans before full or complete research. These anecdote has guided many to the use of marijuana and its legalization in many states even though the scientist involved are trying to move from anecdote to facts or actual scientific data.

Marijuana is cheap and many doctors say it helps varying number of serious disease management Indicating there is a need to pursue it but making it legal is not the best scientific method. This will make pain management and epileptic treatment extremely affordable. Kid will helped not because of the quality of their health plan because it would not cost millions anymore. I currently work for a treatment center for challenged and chemical dependent teenagers and it is a very disturbing experience at times. I see the devastation this drug causes on young people and the number of futures it has stolen. This group of people I work with every day, most of them started with marijuana and after a while built tolerance to its ability to reward them with happiness then they moved to more potent drugs and alcohol. This has led to severe brain damage of some of them and some have lost their youthful age to weed.

Marijuana is saving the lives of thousands of people today. With advances in cancer treatment, relieving pain, cleaning the brain of unwanted memories helping 100's of people with epileptic seizures, reducing it to the minimum giving appetite to and aids patient. Their effects to the teen and young adults are still devastating and disheartening. It introduces many young people to addictions and takes away their ability to will stand the challenges of life. To be for warned is to be for armed make informed decisions.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
May 6, 2015   #2
Smoking Weed also known as marijuana, Cannabis, blunt, Ganja, pot, Dope, just to name a few is becoming, a phenomenon no longer

Thanks for making this thread urgent. : ) I think your first sentence is great. Hey, in the quote above, none of those words should be capitalized.. they're not proper nouns. Only capitalize the first word of the sentence.

Use a colon instead of a semi-colon:
brings us to the big question; questions:
I pluralized 'question' because you have 2 questions.

Anslinger, --- typo... that should be a period.

I think another sentence should be added to the second paragraph.

Contrary to some large scale publications before, there--- Maybe you should revise this sentence so that it clearly expresses whether it is a helpful or harmful effect. It seems obvious, but the idea is to have a nice style by making every paragraph start with a sentence that says something to help answer the question you posed in the introduction.

Maybe it's god to go add one more sentence to the end of the first paragraph. Let it be a sentence that asserts your answer to the questions you posed, and that will make it your thesis statement.

automobile accidents? --I think this is a typo... i should not be a question mark.

My most important suggestion is to make sure each body paragraph begins with a PARAGRAPH TOPIC SENTENCE. You can learn about that by searching google.

: )
thutyedaniel 32 / 30 17  
May 7, 2015   #3
Hi @ernymorphy

Contrary to some large scale publications before, there isit is evidence that there can be long lasting changes in the brains reward system and the hippocampushippo campus . (better if you put connector in your writing)

note: put space in your writing

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