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THIRD CULTURE KIDS (article re-write)

SHanafi 120 / 409 93  
Feb 20, 2014   #1
I try to re-write An article which I was read. Pleasure to correct mine

Nowadays, International careers are usually released the third culture kids (TCKs). This called for children who are growth in a culture and separate with their parent culture passport(s). The developmental surround cultural complexity is linked them with their experience from adults TCKs (ATCKs).

Ruth Hill Useem, a sociologist, begins her research in India with expatriates. She found that people who came from their home (first culture) to crowd place (second culture) made lifestyle which was different with them. The condition is called "third culture" as the termination. For children who nurture with this phenomenon Useem noted "third culture kids". This day, most of expatriates families have been kept using their familial pattern while they live overseas.

Next, we can see some examples for these cases. Brice Royer, the former of TCKid website, is a child from the UN peacekeeper. His father is a half-French/half-Vietnamese, whereas his mother is Ethiopian. Brice lived in seven countries before his eighteen; France, Mayotte, La Reunion, Ethiopia, Egypt, Canada, and England. Based on this numerous movement he said, when people talk to me where I came from, I just make a joke and answer "My mom said I came from heaven".

The other ATCK story, a little Elizabeth Dunbar should be followed Roy, her father, in his relocation. It was from Jamaica to Britain. Her mother, Hortense, was a child from Jamaican immigrant in Britain at that time and had a scheme to oust "one day". Therefore, when Elizabeth would build careers in Britain, she had to face the second relocation to Venezuela because of her fathers' job, too. This nomadic life still occurs in the following years and also forced them to live in the three different countries in USA. Presently, based on her experience living in several countries she realized that racial diversity may be recognized; the hidden cultural diversity of her life remained invisible.

Notwithstanding, such complexities, most of ATCKs share their experiences and this way gave direct privilege for them. They have seen the world and get the opportunity to become billiangualist or more. The most important thing from their understanding is about culture and individual differences; they can spread out the way of seeing life. It is nice whether or not all of the children might not get this good chance. An ATCK Mikel Jentzsch, the author of Bloodbrothers-Our Friendship in Liberia one of the best- selling books in Germany, has a German passport but grew up in Niger and Liberia. He also experienced to become soldier before the civil war forced his family to leave that country. Through his perception, the stories of those ATCK would otherwise overlook as life reflection to us.

Likewise, it is important to understand the reason behind TCK experience. Many ATCKs now are in the influence and stance in power position which can be benefit as the weapon for them to face globalization challenge. Usually the ATCK succeed while doing businesses or in the professional working as the result of the ATCK experience live through the world. The main benefit of ATCK is altering fear become challenge and also fracturing conventional world view. This skills guide differences for them, ATCK and non-ATCK, in order to different point of view about diversity in tradition such as race or gender.

Purwati Ayu 7 / 14 2  
Feb 21, 2014   #2
hi.. miss..
let me check about your grammar yaaa..

This called for children whoare growth in a culture andseparate with their parent culture passport(s)

those were two conjunctions but only two verbs there.

a little Elizabeth Dunbar should be followed Roy, her father

it should be active sentence I think.
OP SHanafi 120 / 409 93  
Feb 21, 2014   #3

it should be active sentence I think.

Yap you're right. In my previous it doesn't make a sense. Thank you
dumi 1 / 6909 1592  
Feb 21, 2014   #4
I try to re-write An article which I was read.

I know the above is not a part of your essay. But I felt like giving you the grammar corrections;
I try to re-write an article which I read / I try to re-write an article which was read by me

The rest is written very well... Didn't find any grammar issues :D
OP SHanafi 120 / 409 93  
Feb 22, 2014   #5
I know the above is not a part of your essay.

you are right Dumi. This is not my essay. I try to practice my grammar with read an article and than re-writing it.

I try to re-write an article which was read by me

let me explain your sentence, please give corrections again
"try" is verb of "I"
"which" is adjective clause altered "article"
"was read by me" is a passive form.

maybe, there you full of laugh when read this because my way to study similar with elementary student. :D
dumi 1 / 6909 1592  
Feb 22, 2014   #6
maybe, there you full of laugh when read this because my way to study similar with elementary student. :D

I never laugh :) I have understood how keen you are on improving your English writing skills and I want to help you in that mission with my best ability. That is the reason why I keep posting my comments for your every essay. I may not be sugar coating when I give my comments to you, but all of them are aimed at helping you understand the mistakes and bettering your writing skills. I will find some good essays written here on TOEFL and IELTS topics and give you the links. You can read them to enhance your vocabulary knowledge and sentence structures. You should not try very complicated words and sentence structures at the beginning. Have priority for delivering ideas more clearly.
OP SHanafi 120 / 409 93  
Feb 22, 2014   #7
I may not be sugar coating when I give my comments to you, but all of them are aimed at helping you understand the mistakes and bettering your writing skills.

I am speachless.

I will find some good essays written here on TOEFL and IELTS topics and give you the links. You can read them to enhance your vocabulary knowledge and sentence structures. You should not try very complicated words and sentence structures at the beginning. Have priority for delivering ideas more clearly.

How lucky I am, once again thank you, Dumi :D
OP SHanafi 120 / 409 93  
Mar 7, 2014   #8
hi, Dumi thank you very much. I am apologize to reply your comment too long :)

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