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suggestions for Ph.D. in Datawarehousing and Datamining / computer science

pjskumar 1 / -  
May 8, 2010   #1
please suggest a ph.d. thesis topic in computer science

thank you
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
May 8, 2010   #2
If you are a grad student studying computer science, it is absolute necessary for you to be able to name some topics in the field. I don't understand how a random list of topics could help someone with a special interest in the field; you must already have topics of interest to you.

All you need to do is read ONE article and you will see a Literature Review that describes many, many research topics and the result of the research that has been conducted.

Collect 3 articles that interest you, and read the lit review in each. You can search your school database for these terms:
"computer science" "literature review" (and one other term that interests you)

By reading recent literature reviews, you will be able to see what has been done and what remains to be done. You will see opportunities to contribute by using a research topic that is very useful at this particular time in the history of computer science.

Home / Dissertations / suggestions for Ph.D. in Datawarehousing and Datamining / computer science
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