Hi guys! I'm new on this forum and I had a couple of questions and a certain need of advice for an essay. In my English as a second language class, I have to write an academic essay of 350 word that must answer the guiding question: "What are the consequences of online shaming?". As english is my second language and i'm not really good at writing, i'd like to know if any of you guys had some advice on the introduction of my text or the body paragraphs, etc.
By the way i'm in secondary 5 in Canada what is probably the equivalence of grade 10 or 11 in the United States.
@Random_boy Hi! I think you can start with this plan:
- Intro: Online shaming has become popular in recent years due to the rise of social media, especially towards people who do not follow their ideas. Therefore, this results in negative impacts on someone's life.
- Body 1: The first main consequence can be that many of us start to compare ourselves with others and behave the way they want us to be (clothes, weight, appearance, etc)
- Body 2: In worst cases, online shaming can affect people so much that they think of suicide. You can take examples of celebrities who suffer from that.
- Conclusion: This act leads to disastrous consequences to people's lives, not only physically but mentally. We should do something to prevent it.