I'm new to this forum and I've been looking around. I'm stuck looking for a direction for my thesis on the African American Slave Trade from 1440 to 1640. I was thinking about comparing it to how it affects today's African American society. However, I cannot come up with enough main ideas to make sufficient body paragraphs. If anyone could provide some assistance that would be great, I am just looking for a direction for this paper just to stretch it out to about six pages.
Because this essay deals with specific material that you and your classmates have exclusive access to I will only be able to edit for grammar and mechanics. As research for this topic would fall out of the scope of my free services and I am not familiar with the content material you are using for this class, I suggest you contact paid academic writing services; you can also contact your instructor or fellow classmates, your academic advisor, or media center specialist, as they can help you locate more appropriate research sources and material only available through your academic institution.