Dear All
Can someone tell me what is the difference between SOP (statement of purpose) and personal statement.
Also can i contact the moderators via email and how can i get their email IDs.
Profound Regards
Why do you want to find them via email?
SOP is for why you want this particular course/major/university. So if you have a particular reason why you want that particular university, that is the place to write it down. A personal statement is about what you have done, so any awards you have collected, volunteering, work experience, etc.
In other words, SOP is "why this university". PE is "why should this university choose you".
I believe a statement of purpose is more about why you want to go to that specific school or something related to the goal. Whereas, a personal statement is written more about yourself in order to give the school a better idea of WHO you are (and why this makes you want to achieve the goal). Hope that makes sense. You should Google examples of both to see the difference. Good luck!!
Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
Now I am clear about SOP and PS.
I am applying for a scholarship and want to have contact with them on email so that they can give me more and more feedback.
Difference between SOP and personal statement
Hey can anyone explain the difference between SOP and personal statement? I read both kind of essays but could not find the difference as such. But I read in many essays that there is difference but what is that? Do they differ in structure or format?
Thank you for merging. I got it now :)
Sakshi, on my end, this is easy;
Personal statement is written with your free - creative imagination , what has happened in the past,
your experiences, a semi formal essay of you and what is unique about you.
On the other hand,
Statement of purpose is more of answering the question, what do you want to become or what do you want to achieve,
this can be academic or personal or both and this essay is rather formal and clean, precise and straight to the point.
Anyhow, should you need further understanding on the difference of this essays you can always read some samples here
on EF for better comprehension and of course you can always consult our dear internet, google in particular, if you have any doubts.
Thanks a lot Ivy for detailed answer. I am pretty aware of the difference now. Thank you :):)