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Help with a thesis statement... 19th century Europe.

fayezf 1 / -  
Mar 6, 2017   #1

negative effects of industrial revolution on public health

Hello Everyone,

I'm a first-year university student, majoring in History. English is my second language, and I'm having a problem with building a strong thesis.

In my class, Europe in the 19th-century. we are required to write a 10-12 page term paper on any subject the fits in the class theme. I'm interested in writing about the negative impact of industrial revolution on the working class. After doing a research, I narrowed my topic to the negative effects of industrial revolution on public health.

I'm having a problem building a strong thesis because I never wrote an argumentative term paper. It would much be appreciated to get some guidance.

Thank you in advance,

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Mar 7, 2017   #2
Fayez, in order to write a strong thesis argument for your paper, you still need to narrow down your topic of research. What you know right now is that you want your paper to be abut the negative effects of industrial revolution on public health. Go back to your research and try to find out what the top 5 illnesses during the 19th century were. From that list, narrow it down some more to the ones that were directly affected or caused by the industrial revolution. Then pick the only one, that seemed to have the highest number of casualties during that period of time. Once you have the disease isolated, your thesis statement will be easier to develop. Focus on the contribution of the industrial revolution to the development and potential eradication of the illness. Then conclude by explaining how the illness was either eradicated or placed under control. These steps should help you at least get started with your research.

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