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Reality TV- Why is it so popular?

anabelen93 1 / -  
Oct 15, 2012   #1
My essay poses the question why is reality tv so popular with viewers.

I need a thesis that puts my ideas together.

My ideas:

It is the American Dream:
-live vicariously through the stars
- Average Joe
- Name in lights

- stars
- glamour
- hollywood appeal
- help escape our daily lives
hmtatem - / 5  
Oct 15, 2012   #2
This is very vague, but I will do my best...

When the average American watches television, what they want most is to find someone that they can relate too. It is intriguing for viewers to watch the Average Joe become a star on TV. It provides the viewer with an escape from their own reality and gives them hope because even though these people are average, they made it into the lights.

I hope this helps.
EunJeong 2 / 2  
Oct 16, 2012   #3
So, you need thesis with two supporting ideas. I think you need one more supporting idea to improve your essay. otherwise your essay would be four paragraphs essay.

You can elaborate and still can write good essay but I suggest make one more supporting idea.

with your two supporting ideas, thesis would be,

Reality shows are getting popularity among the America as it fulfills American dreams and because of its appealing entertainment.

-live vicariously through the stars
- Average Joe
- Name in lights

- stars
- glamour
- hollywood appeal
- help escape our daily lives

These details should be in your paragraph or topic sentence in the paragraph unless you want to put all your ideas in the intro.

One thing, your thesis statement is missing "so what". You need to make what eventually you want to say in your essay. The main issue that answers all the supporting ideas.

Thesis that I suggested, just puts your idea together but has no purpose, which means your essay doesn't have purpose.

Good luck.
ademcelik 2 / 6  
Oct 17, 2012   #4
in my country ,BEYAZ SHOW is really funy because of their host .he is very creative, so you use this thesis :)

Is reality TV as popular with the public as it seems?

Well, the answer to that is, (oddly) yes! The ratings don't lie and it is obvious how American "culture" is influenced by such characters as the ones on Jersey Shore, Real Housewives, etc.

I'm not sure if this question is your assignment (?) since it is so short and seemingly random, but if it is, it wouldn't be hard to support the conclusion that, YES it definitely is.

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