The promt is "Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extracurricular activities might help you". How do I write this? Usually for other topics you can write a "story" or something but this seems vauge. Should I literally just talk about everything I'm involved in? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, I just don't want to write about things that the admissions people can simply read from my resume.
write a "story" - should I literally just talk about everything I'm involved in? UT AUSTIN
You're right about not restating things that are already mentioned somewhere in your application. Only mention a certain activity in your essay if it directly relates to your goals, a certain experience, or your story. The prompt wants you to evaluate the significance of your activities (I'm sure you didn't do them for no reason), and how they relate to your future goals and major. For example, participating in research and science activities can be very helpful for someone who is going for engineering. That person would talk about how those activities allowed him/her to gain hands on experience, and to experience the daily life of an engineer.
So, just relate meaningful activities to your goals and how they are going to help you achieve those goals.
So, just relate meaningful activities to your goals and how they are going to help you achieve those goals.
I am new in writing and I just join this forum to learn the learning for writings, It is really great experience for me to write any story and essay. I will write some lines for this topic but cant write the whole story because for it I have to put lots of effort.