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Posted my essay in the wrong category - what to do?

painful shadow 1 / 4 2  
Mar 10, 2013   #1
what can i do if i have posted my essay in the wrong category and want to change it after posting??
temptprovidence 8 / 163 35  
Mar 10, 2013   #2
i guess you can do nothing for that... just to be mentally present before posting...
OP painful shadow 1 / 4 2  
Mar 10, 2013   #3
thankyou... will try to be so from now onwards...
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Mar 10, 2013   #4
what can i do if i have posted my essay in the wrong category and want to change it after posting?

i guess you can do nothing for that... just to be mentally present before posting...

.... :D
Yep.... you cannot do anything about that once you make the post. However, it creates additional work for us to put them back in the right forums :( ... However, when your thread in the wrong forum you may get less comments than when they are in the right forums.... So, select the right forum at the time of making your post :)
temptprovidence 8 / 163 35  
Aug 12, 2013   #5
secondly, in the wrong category,you are sabject to less attention and less replies as well!

and less replies as well! just as dumi said
ivylaw 3 / 6 1  
Nov 29, 2013   #6
Just copy the content and delete the thread. Then make a new thread again, this time putting it in the right category!

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