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Albert Einstein's and Sir Henry Royce's quotations enlightens cogently the scenario based on reality

saad3091 2 / 5  
Sep 5, 2014   #1
Application for program: Masters of Science
Field of Engineering: Construction Engineering and Management
"Scientists investigate that which already is; engineers create that which has never been."
- Albert Einstein
"Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it."

- Sir Henry Royce
The quotations stated above enlightens cogently the scenario based on reality. Engineering is the field of emerging ideas and their implementation in real life. Especially civil engineering is one of the noblest field of engineering that makes it possible to convert imaginations, thoughts and ideas into real life infrastructures. The second quote emphasizes on persistence and determination without which an engineer cannot be a successful one. However, nothing is possible without proper management and hence "construction management" plays its vital role in transforming structural design language into a structure, which can be easily seen by everyone.

The strong perspective of 'converting one's desires into actually existing figures' makes it convincing for an individual to opt for the field of civil engineering as a course study to be pursued. I was also convinced since my college life to go for civil engineering, and selected it as my bachelor's degree program.

I am a student of Civil Engineering at Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology situated in Karachi, Pakistan. I am in my final semester currently. I greatly influence the construction work of one of my relative since my childhood. This interest ultimately resulted in my admission in BS in Civil Engineering.

Personally, I am interested in managing projects and maneuvering unexpected situations and surprises that usually occur on most construction sites. Consequently, this aspect of my interest from other construction sighting aspects got an upper meniscus and thrust after being introduced to our Engineering Management subject that is Construction Management, which is still included in our syllabus of final semester.

Additionally, my professional studies is featured with professional work in a structure designing office and on a construction site too as an internee. Structure Design office belongs to a renowned structure engineer, Engr. Arif Kasam, who also developed a software regarding the structure designing in the last decade of 20th century. This software is still under practice in some structure-designing firms in Pakistan. The other one is a construction company named as, Euro Builders. In this construction company, I learnt many construction practices and the management of construction phases. These internships proved a milestone in my career as these internships provided me with the real exposures to the professional field. Currently, I am working on a structure-designing project under the supervision of a renowned multi-national company, NESPAK.

Keeping in view the construction industry and market in Middle East especially in Saudi Arabia, I decided to continue higher education with a degree of Masters in Construction Management from any renowned and prestigious institute, which in my sight is "King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals". The reason for considering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals for further studies is its worth among the other prominent engineering universities of the world and the facilities provided, which are solely found at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals only. On the other hand, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is also one of the veritable institute for RESEARCH, which is the part of an engineer's life. I also want to have some research practice at the campus because research enhances and integrates engineering practices.

By the grace of ALLAH, I am regarded as a good student of my class and will continue to maintain my prestige at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. My intent and curiosity in the field of study chosen will accomplish enhancement and betterment in my academic record and consequently will favor and honor the university. My aim is to work on mega construction projects and apply my knowledge and experience to cope up with the problems and hindrances on a site. I am interested to manage projects with technological techniques causing results of greater worth.

Therefore, to fulfill my aims and objectives, I am very enthusiastic and willing to enroll at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. I will express my gratitude for positive response from the concerned authorities.

23rd August 2014 Talha Kamal

vangiespen - / 4087  
Sep 5, 2014   #2
Field of Engineering: Construction Engineering and Management
"Scientists investigate that which already is; engineers create that which has never been."
- Albert Einstein
"Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it."
- Sir Henry Royce

- While these 2 quotes are good references for your opening statement, I believe that you will do best to stick to only one quote to use within your essay. The more compelling quotation in relation to your chosen course is Einstein's so I suggest you go with that.It best connects to the reasons that you wish to become an engineer in my opinion.

- I believe that you should revise this paper to directly connect to your purpose for higher academic learning. Rather than talking about what you have accomplished in the past as much as you do in this current essay, you should talk about how your past experience directly connects to your plans for enhancing the world of construction engineering in the future. The admissions officer wants to know what your purpose is for higher study. He is not too interested in your past accomplishments unless you can connect it to your future visions of your career in construction engineering. Maybe you have a dream project you want to develop in the future, or perhaps there is a mentor at the university you are looking forward to working with. Mention those things. Those statements are what gives a sense of purpose to your application.

- There are actually sentence structure and grammar problems in your essay but I chose not to edit it for now because I believe that this draft is a work in progress. You have plenty of room to revise the paper and make it more direct to the point for the admissions officer so that he can immediately get an idea of what your purpose is for enrolling in their university. I hope my comments help you in the revision of your paper :-)
OP saad3091 2 / 5  
Sep 5, 2014   #3
really very thanks to you vengiespen for your recommendations...i really feel that these amendments should be done in the essay!!!
thank you ones again.

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