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Want to apply for master program in agric economics. Will be glad if my SOP can be fine tuned

ziggy3579 1 / -  
Nov 3, 2015   #1
I see a future in agriculture in an oil based Nigerian economy in which billions of dollars can be generated from agriculture and in return improve the standard of living of people and also create jobs for its ever increasing population. My goal is a career in Agricultural economics where I can use the principles of economics and econometrics to analyze various issues related to the production, marketing, distribution and consumption of agricultural produce. My love for agriculture started as a kid in high school. We had a very hard working and devoted teacher, Mr. Adio who took us on field trips and also teach us how agriculture can serve as a large contributor to the GDP of Nigeria. He made sure we did enough practical works on the farm and demonstrated experiments that we hadn't the equipment to do ourselves. This made me have the zeal to study agric economics and extension as an undergraduate.

We were fortunate to have good facilities and excellent professors that taught and mentored us. This led to me working on the impact of climate change on sorghum yield in Nigeria working together with Professor XYZ for my final project. After one year's work experience as an agricultural science teacher in a local community where farming is the order of the day, I had the opportunity to relate with farmers trying to know the problems and challenges they face.

I have selected the graduate program of University of Pujabi because of its outstanding faculty and research facilities, flexibility in curriculum and a global perspective to various key issues. Knowing well that Country A is the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world and the agriculture and agri-food industry employs 2.2million people. Also, the agriculture industry in punjabi is the most diversified industry sector in Country A with $13.9 billion in export sales in 2014. This makes Punjabi the best place for me to gain practical and analytical experience I need to excel and achieve my career goals.

Some of my friends have questioned me why I did not progress directly to graduate studies after graduating from the university; my answer is that I wanted to make sure I had chosen the right subject and the right institution before embarking on a course of study that would involve many years of my life. The one year gap has also given me the opportunity to start a young farmers club in the school that I worked where we discuss how farming can be a source of livelihood for them. I have also been a member of the drug free club, where we organize and sensitize people on drug abuse and the effect it has on their health and mental well being.

In selecting the University of Punjabi, I have been influenced by the way your research programs addresses agricultural and economic problems. I am particularly looking forward to interact with Professor Roy and Assistant professor Eric whose work is closest to what I want to pursue. I have been corresponding with James a current student from whom I have learned about the collaborative environment at the University of Punjabi where I will interact with talented students, teachers and industry professionals. I believe that I will be able to contribute and learn from the academically challenging environment at the University of Punjabi.

vangiespen - / 4117 1449  
Nov 3, 2015   #2
Isaac, you have developed your statement of purpose in a manner that I have not seen very frequently in the statement of purpose essays previously submitted here. You appropriately responded to the 4 basic questions that deliver the necessary information to the reviewer in connection with your masters studies. Then, you even managed to throw in an acceptable explanation as to why you felt delaying your studies would be in your best interest. A response that directly ties in the reasons for your decision to undertake masters studies. This is an excellently developed SOP that is only affected in the slighted manner by the improper grammar and other sentence structure problems. Both of which I am more than happy to help you address below :-)

I see a future FOR MYSELF in agriculture SPECIFICALLY in an oil based Nigerian

My goal is a career in Agricultural e Economics where I can use the principles

My love for agriculture started as a kid in high schoo HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.

took us on field trips and also teach TAUGHT us how agriculture can serve as a large contributor to the GDP of Nigeria.

we did enough practical works on the farm

This made me have the zeal to study agric economics and extension as an undergraduate.

This led to me working on the impact of climate change on sorghum yield in Nigeria working together with Professor XYZ for my final project.

I had the opportunity to relate with farmers trying IN ORDER TO GET to know the problems and challenges they face.
global perspective to ON various key issues.

Knowing well that Country A is the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world and the agriculture and THE agri-food industry employs
the agriculture industry in p Punjabi is the most diversified industry sector in Country A with $13.9 billion in export sales in 2014.

This makes Punjabi the best place for me to gain THE practical and analytical experience I need to excel and achieve my career goals.

Some of my friends have questioned me why I did not progress directly to graduate studies after graduating from the university

The one year gap has also given me the opportunity to start a young farmers club in the school that WHERE I worked where we discussED

how farming can be a source of livelihood for them. I have also been a member of the drug free club, where we organize and sensitize INFORM people on REGARDING drug abuse and the effect it has on their health and mental well being.

In selecting the University of Punjabi, I have been influenced by the way your THE UNIVERSITY research programs addresses agricultural and economic problems. I am particularly looking forward to interactING with Professor Roy and Assistant professor Eric whose work is closest to what I want to pursue. I have been corresponding with James , a current student

Home / Graduate / Want to apply for master program in agric economics. Will be glad if my SOP can be fine tuned
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