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Enthusiasm and dedication is the key to any success. Master of Science In Transportation SOP

EUPHORIA 1 / -  
Mar 3, 2015   #1
Dear friends,

This is my personal statement . Any comment/feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

This is what info the university provides on their website:

Submit a two-page Statement of Objectives indicating:
Previous work experience, particularly in transportation.
The reason they wish to pursue the M.S.T. program.
How the degree will be utilized following graduation.

Enthusiasm and dedication is the key to any success.Internal desire to achieve something drives someone to success overcoming difficulties in the way.The ensuring statement of purpose is meant to put forth my aspiration to pursue my career through Masters of Science in Transportation at your esteemed University.

Right from schooling my keen interest in Mathematics enabled me to develop strong quantitative and analytical skills.Owing to this aptitude in Mathematics, I chose the field of engineering right from my High School by chosing Mathematics as one of my major subjects.Then my immediate target was to get admitted into one of the best engineering schools in Nepal.It was an immense pleasure and sense of achievement for me when I got admitted to ... Campus (ABC) through competitive entrance exam. I chose to study Civil Engineering as my major in Bachelors level, it was result of my desire to contribute something beautiful to the society.

The undergraduate curriculum in Civil Engineering at (ABC) introduced to a wide gamut of subjects, both in and outside the field which is accredited internationally.I enjoyed solving tutorials, doing laboratory practical works, field visits and assignments throughout my undergraduate. Among various subjects, it was Transportation Engineering that captured my interest.My grasp of the fundamental aspects of Transportation Engineering has been fortified by the courses that I have taken Transportation Engineering I and II and my final year project titled "Detail Engineering Survey,Design and Cost Estimate of ... Road." for the partial fulfillment of Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering (B.E. in Civil), under supervision of Assoc. Prof. XXX,which allowed me to put my sound theoretical concepts into practice. My academic pursuits however, have not prevented me from participating in various extracurricular activities. I had participated in two Civil Engineering Exhibitions as Volunteer and Lab demonstrator and also in various seminars organized by Civil Engineering Student Society ... (CESS ...) at (ABC) and had also taken trainings in many softwares like Autocad and Land Development, SAP, GIS and MS Project etc. which helped me lot while working as practicing Civil Engineer.

After completion of B.E. in Civil, I have been working at M/S ... Pvt. Ltd. (DEF) as Civil Engineer for nearly three years.I have enjoyed working in different roles assigned as Road Inventory Surveyor, Quantity Surveyor, and Design Engineer in different Projects under supervision of experienced Transportation Engineers which not only helped me to strengthen technical knowledge and skill but also helped me to hone my communication skills to express my ideas persuasively and rationally.While working at (DEF), I got opportunity to explore various parts of PQR and realized the fact that poor physical connectivity is a major challenge to PQR's development effort. During a related seminar program about State of Road Transportation in PQR, I found that road density of PQR is lowest in (this region (South ...)) not only in terms of serving population but also in terms of providing accessibility to various parts of the country.

In addition to this, I became well known to bitter facts of the state of road infrastructure in PQR.Over one-third population in hilly areas, are more than four hours walk away from an all weather roads.The poor quality of road network, 60% of road network unable to provide all weather connectivity.And the poor condition of road network has hampered in the delivery of the social services in the remote hilly and mountain areas.These above facts really sensitized me to contribute something on transportation sector to help those people through my field of study.These aspirations are the main objectives of my plans for graduation in Transportation from University of ...

I am keenly interested in doing research in Traffic Safety, which is a global issue.PQR despite having low road density have high number of Road Traffic Accident fatality rate per ten thousand vehicles.Even WHO has highlighted road safety issues and launched "UN Action of Decade for Road Safety (2011-2020)". PQR is also part of this global mass campaign and have formulated a national target of 35% reduction in Road Traffic Accidents over the period but has not been able to address any of the key issue to improve road safety and reduce accidents in country citing the lack of qualified human resources.I candidly hope that the knowledge gained during the pursuit of this Course, which I intend to import in my country will help me address these above concerns as qualified manpower.After extensive online research, I have found that my goals, fields of research interest for my graduate studies matched with subjects offered by Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction at University of ....

My future plans after completing Master of Science in Transportation, is to set up my own consulting firm in PQRl with an aim to address the concerns of road safety. And few years later when thorough competencies is attained I would want to continue further research leading to PhD with a challenge which confronts then.

Home / Graduate / Enthusiasm and dedication is the key to any success. Master of Science In Transportation SOP
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