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Korea; developing myself in the country's culture and language. KGSP Study Plan Draft

sugartown0829 3 / 5 3  
Mar 1, 2017   #1
Hello this is my draft for my Study Plan. Please let me know if there's anything missing in this.

research on The Korean Millennial's

Before my decision of pursuing a Master's degree in English Literature in Korea, I was already set on developing myself in the country's culture and language. I gradually picked up on relevant textbooks that would guide a Korean language beginner like me as way to grasp a basic, but significantly helpful speaking and writing points. I will continue to do so in the one-year training program. I find that collecting resources would be advantageous in the long run.

If there is a research I would like to contribute in the current body of study in the English Literature program in Korea, I believe that furthering the study of how the Korean society, specifically the millennials, very forward thinking would give me, my future panelists and future researchers a perspective of their mindset in the 21st century, in the lens of literature. My proposed study entitled "The Korean Millennial's View of Young Adult Literature" would show just that. I found that there is little discussion concerning how this unique set of subjects react to Young Adult Literature, when YA in itself is influential in a way that it serves as a mirror for recurring themes of everyday realities presented in numerous novels. As a person who is also part of this maturing generation, I want this study to be a compilation of realizations and challenges faced by us.

The purpose of this study is to make a detailed narrative of the responses towards how accurately millennial personas or themes are portrayed in young adult novels. My qualitative research would then discuss the taboo subjects, complexities, or issues found in the novels that are uniquely Korean. It would also be interesting to bring in to the frame of my study the development of Korean young adult novels in comparison with their American/English counterparts. In this way, I would be able to pinpoint themes that Korean millennials could easily distinguish or relate to.

This study's theoretical framework will be anchored on Wolfgang Iser's Reader-Response Theory. Iser's theory is fit for my study because this particular theory asserts that instead of giving passive interpretation to the text, Iser stresses what the text does to the reader. This theory will be helpful to build up my narrative on how reader participation is crucial. The outcome that I expect would be if Young Adult Literature has some level of effect towards Korean millennials, then this would simultaneously reveal something about them. My use of Young Adult literature, therefore, will be the driving tool to locate and perhaps address a Korean millennial's disposition and desires in the modern and ever-changing world they live in. I believe that the outcome of my research will challenge Korea's perception on millennials.

During the course of my three year study, I will review all the necessary readings needed to supplement this study. I intend to acquire materials such as the young adult novels to gradually begin my analysis on them. Upon research, I found five Korean YA novels that would substantiate my research namely: The Vegetarian by Han Kang, The Interpreter by Suki Kim, Drifting House by Krys Lee, Please Look After My Mom by Kyung-sook Shin, and Fox Girl by Nora Okja Keller. The various stories presented in this novel will set my scope and limitations for my study, which I would eventually find out in the course of my readings.

Finally, what pushed me to pursue this study plan in Sogang University is the English Literature program they set out. Their areas of specialization would enrich my research would be the lectures under English Literature, Culture Studies, American Cultural Studies, and Literary Theory and Criticism. Furthermore, executing this research in Korea is an opportunity for me to be in full immersion with my goal and subject of research.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15171 4859  
Mar 1, 2017   #2
Nina, since the first year of language learning is not considered a part of the masters degree course, you should just omit discussing that in the opening statement. Discuss the study plan immediately because that is what the essay topic is all about. Don't waste time with trivial matters like language learning. That is not important in this case. The overall content of your study plan shows a well thought out and designed research process. However, you don't really explain what your expected outcome might be. Is that something that you are not willing to hazard a guess upon because you do not know how the research will really progress and what you hope to discover over time? That's alright if you don't have an expected outcome yet because this is just a summary presentation. It's just for preliminary consideration at this point. Subject to change as I said before. By the way, you mentioned more than one novel to review for your study, so use the term "these" instead of "this". Just a minor point for correction. Aside from these minor changes, the essay is in a flawless state.
OP sugartown0829 3 / 5 3  
Mar 1, 2017   #3

Thank you for pointing out the minor issues and concluding that my essay is in a flawless state!

Home / Graduate / Korea; developing myself in the country's culture and language. KGSP Study Plan Draft
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