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My passion. Statement for master degree in Filmmaking

rockprincess 7 / 12  
Dec 26, 2015   #1
Please review my statement for master degree in Filmmaking at Goldsmith. I would like to make sure that I answered these questions generally:

Section 1 - Intellectual rationale for choosing your programme:
Section 2 - Previous academic background in relation to your programme choice:
Section 3 - Other experience that contributes to your programme choice:
Section 4 - What are your long term academic goals and how will this programme help you achieve these?
Section 5 - Any other information you feel to be relevant:

My passion for movies had begun from my childhood. I used to watch movies of Golden ERA (the black and white), which broadcasts from Egypt. They had a great plot, the cast performance was professional, and most importantly the directing was unbelievable with one camera at that period. The world of movies is a way to take out the fantasy into reality. I believe that I possessed that imagination.

In high school and the beginning of the university, I start to use a camera to photograph and capture videos. I used 2 megapixels Canon Camera to portray in trips and birthdays. Then, I owned my first compact camera; I used it in family celebrations, conferences and Youth Exchange programs. At that time, I began to use movie maker for video editing and creating output.

While completing my university education in the field of Computer Graphics and Animation, I learned how to make an animating movie. At the end of each semester, we were asked to produce a short film to show what we have learned. I produced a two-dimensional short film using Toon Boom Animate program for the 2D animation class. The story talked about the benefit of smiling and the positive impact it has on those around us. And my performance is better highlighted by my graduation project in the three-dimensional short film. The programs used were Maya, Adobe Photoshop, UV mapping, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro. I learned from that, the arrangements of events in a particular series to deliver correct message to the audience. I would like at Goldsmith, University of London to develop these skills and master them.

In my professional life, I try to practice the profession of editing and directing besides my work, as I am working hard to incorporate it one way or another. I've edited and directed some educational videos. Also, I am working as a volunteer in East-West Initiative (EWI). EWI builds relationships of understanding, trust and love between people of different cultures and faiths. It equips young people to be agents of positive change in today's world. I documented moments of their training courses. Through my work in social media networks, I realize that the best way to deliver messages is by videos. Taken out an example from my job with Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization, I created a Testimonial video; a student expresses his opinion about the courses in TAG-Confucius Center for teaching the Chinese language. I used to portray it, my Canon 600D camera and a lens 50 mm to give luster to the image and LED light in flash 320EX for production, and for editing Adobe Premiere and Adobe Audition to adjust the sound.

Currently, I am working in a studio that provides photography and videography services. I developed my skills in the field of still images. But, I always keep my eyes on editors work, where most of the time I sit and learn how they edit in general from several cameras and the Go Pro. Thus, I am waiting for the moment to be accepted in Goldsmith University to enroll in the master of filmmaking to boost my knowledge.

In the next five years after graduation, I will be working as a video editor in one of the network channels to gain experience, and then I will apply to one of the big production companies in the city of Vancouver or California state.

In the long run, I would have made an informed decision of either continue my post graduates studies to gain a doctoral certificate or open my own business in Amman to contribute to creating opportunities to next generation who are passionate about filmmaking.

brayan1996 17 / 34  
Jan 4, 2016   #2
Hi Rockprincess,

I read your essay and it seems to be missing something that I can't seem to get an eye on. I think the examples you bring from your experiences in high school and college capture your interest for the major of film. Also, make sure that your introduction lures the reader in. Don't give general sentences, try to integrate a question that may reflect your interest for the major. Think of a good question as I am having trouble thinking of one for you. I think that this is what the essay seems to be missing. Introducing a question may also help give a direction to your essay by allowing the reader to ponder for a while in hopes to provide an answer. However, don't expect them to draw conclusions or answers from other parts of the essay. If you will introduce a question make sure that it relates to an overarching and meaningful point/idea.

Brayan F.
vangiespen - / 4088  
Jan 5, 2016   #3
Dana, the first question that came to my mind when I finished reading the essay was "Is she writing a statement of purpose or a personal statement?" There are elements of both in your essay which makes the content lack focus and prevents it from delivering a clear picture of what information the reviewer should concentrate on as your essay is being considered. It is also that question that prevents me from properly deciphering the kind of advice that you should be given.

As a personal statement about the development of your career interests, there are certain portions that should be removed because the information relates more to a statement of purpose. As a statement of purpose, the content of the essay can be edited down in paragraph content in order to deliver the correct and important information to the reviewer. If you can just point me in the right direction, I am sure that I can offer more concrete and relevant advice once I know which track you are supposed to be concentrating on.

The reason that you have worries about the flow and content of the essay is specifically because you accidentally merged 2 different essays into one. If you can figure out which essay you are supposed to be writing here, we can finally fix the content paragraph flow problems that exist in it :-)

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