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Preventing students from following some academic disciplines in which they will most likely fail

rusnikolaev 1 / 1  
Mar 6, 2016   #1
GRE: Analyze and issue. Spot my flaws

Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.

I think educational institutions have a responsibility to advise students where they shouldn't study but not dissuade them. It is really matter to student to make decision himself because in a future it will not occur to his mind that because of opinion that his teacher had imposed him he has reached this point but could other. Also young changes dramatically after finishing high school and during studying at university. And teachers in high school can't know for sure in which field of study student can achieve success, so that they can't dissuade him from pursuing what he wants.

Thera are examples people in history who was excluded from school because of bad marks but they succeeded in their field of study. The best example, I think, is Thomas Edison. In this case teachers thought that he can't achieve anything in his live. And that what they could suggest him? But despite excluding from school Thomas Edison continued learning himself and when he was 21 Thomas had already made his first patent. What would happen if Thomas accepted their point of view? Maybe we still wouldn't have invented filament lamp.

Moreover I want to add that people can achieve good results not only in particular field of study but in any which they want. It all depends on desire to succeed, on passion to do it. And I think Leonardo da Vinci, who is Italian painter, scientist and engineer, is best paragon. He made great contribution to development of humanity. And like Leonardo, I think, students can themselves choose what they want to study.

I can link this topic not only with prominent people but also with my relatives. My cousin Victor was good in high-school in both physical science and humanities. He always wanted to be psychologist , but teacher in school had told him that engineer is more lucrative profession than psychologist. He started to study engineering in university but after two years he had realized that he doesn't like it. So, unfortunately, he had lost two years and started to learn psychology. Now he is on graduation year. Victor really happy that he dared to change his life.

According to that I have wrote above I want to say that it's only your responsible to make decision about life direction and nobody hasn't rights to dissuade you.

Crystal812 23 / 55 11  
Mar 6, 2016   #2
Hi, rusnikolaev,

I am afraid that you have some mistakes. Do allow me to point them out.

... a responsibility to advise students where they shouldn't study but not dissuade them. It is really matter to student to make decision () himself because in a future it will not occur to his mind that because of opinion that his teacher had imposed () him he has reached this point but could other(??). Also young changes dramatically after finishing high school and during studying at university(this sentence does not even have a verb).

In this case teachers thought that he can't achieve anything in hislive .
... Thomas Edison continued learning () himself and when he was 21...

... results not only in particular field of study but in any which they want.

And like Leonardo, I think, students can themselves choose what they want to study.

... after two years he had realized that he doesn't like it.

Now he is on graduation year. Victor() really happy that he dared to change his life.

... I want to say that it's only your responsible to make decision about life ...
OP rusnikolaev 1 / 1  
Mar 6, 2016   #3
Hello, Crystal
Thank you so much for pointing to mistakes. It is helpful.
could you estimate my essay: does it have common sense?

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