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In 1999 we procured our first home computer and since then my fascination with computers begun

confusee123 5 / 14  
Jan 27, 2015   #1
hi, I am currently working on my SOP and i'd be grateful to anyone who is kind enough to look it over and let me know if there are any mistakes that need correction.

my statement of purpose is aimed at information technology and i come from a non computing discipline.

My fascination with computers and their internal functioning goes back to 1999, the year we procured our first home computer. The World Wide Web was accessible to us through Netscape navigator and at the click of a few buttons, encyclopedic information was made available, which greatly aided my school projects and homework. It was this interest in finding out the processes that made a computer an indispensable multifunctional tool that made me choose computer programming using C++ language, alongside mathematics and science. I decided to pursue my Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology to better understand the principles of internetworking and programming using OOPS concepts.

During my undergraduate study, the first semester offered a theoretical and practical class in problem solving using computers which furthered my knowledge in using C++ language to write codes that performed basic arithmetic calculations, generated factorials and palindromes and created transactional database records used to store information related to banking, hospital and employee payroll records. This introduction to computer programming eased the transition to progressively challenging modules like Computer organization and architecture and Object Oriented Programming.

Undeterred by the fact that I could not change my course to Information Engineering at this point, I proceeded to take up online classes with codeacademy over the semester holidays that allowed me to learn about making web pages and developing my skills in creating a website using html, jquery and CSS. Under the guidance of Prof. Lakshmikant Bhat, I worked with a student team to assemble and program an Atmega microcontroller connected to a breadboard to make a temperature sensor with an LED display that displayed the surrounding fluctuations in temperature, using Keil-3 and Proteus simulation software. This was challenging because the interface between the microcontroller, the keyboard and the display also had to be programmed to send user input accordingly. To complement my theoretical knowledge I interned with Advanced International Electronic Equipment, a Motorola joint venture company based in Kuwait which hosted a radio simulation and testing workshop. I worked with a team of senior IT engineers to program over two hundred radios using continuous tone coded squelch systems (Private Line and tone squelch) and learnt to detect the speech portion of transmission systems that deflected undue interference by introducing sub-audible frequency tones at the receiving radio. The anti-squelch programming software was used to program approximately 200 radios a day that were outsourced to military and national aviation services. Radio programming furthered my interest in understanding software testing and analysis which ensured smooth and harmonious operation of many computing systems by interfacing the hardware and software.

During my second internship stint, I was sent to train and attend workshops on GSM with Ericsson Telephone services to understand the communication aspects of my degree. The theory on the evolution of mobile communication and setting up of radio base stations and cellular networks, of the transition from 2G to 3G to Long Term Evolution inspired me to research network security using cryptanalysis. Upon returning back to university to enter my last year of engineering, I researched extensively on steganography techniques following an elective on Cipher systems and presented a seminar on ancient to modern methods of cryptography using Caesar, Vizener and Block ciphers, explaining in detail the issue of modern day encryption and decryption techniques used by data scientists and cryptographers to protect data networks and web content over the Internet. Although my field of interest was in programming and software testing, I chose to present my research thesis on Direct sequence spread spectrum systems using MATLAB Simulink in order to a gain a complete understanding of communication programming and the role it plays in the integration of digital communication systems.

The twenty week project put to test my methods of research, creativity and decision making abilities as tasks were divided into chunks which were used to create a virtual environment that produces a real time dynamic block model system. Using the online library in addition to IEEE journals authored on "Sensitivity of S-CCDMA systems with long PN sequences to Synchronization errors" by Dr.Peter J.Mclane and reading Roger Peterson's Introduction to gain and spread spectrum communication, helped me overcome the difficulties of tackling and understanding Spread spectrum communication and how it could be implemented to enhance the performance of digital communication rendering it superior to multipath interference, jamming and hacking by unscrupulous receivers. Upon presenting the successful simulations to the academic panel, my mentor and senior professors lauded my efforts , which contributed to developing my interpersonal and communication skills.

Despite my rigorous academic schedule, I found many opportunities to explore my leadership skills, which helped me perform my duties as the student committee representative for the last three consecutive years of my undergraduate studies and while gainfully employed as the import/export sales coordinator at LOGISTICA Kuwait. Observing the office network administrator perform mail configuration and set up of accounts inspired me to take the plunge and look for graduate studies that would develop my career in the IT industry. I was an active member of the college dramatics club and student union, having participated in health awareness campaigns against smoking to promote routine lung cancer testing . In my spare time, I took up courses on building websites and R-programming as an introduction to the Data Scientist's Toolbox. The subsequent creation of a Github account and earning a verified certificate based on an end of course examination served to further my interest in software development.

After a thorough perusal of your website, I have found that your graduate program in Information Technology is in consonance with my interest. The certifications offered by the IT Academy would enhance my career prospects and equip me with the information and skills set required to contribute positively to the IT industry. The modules covered in the course of study would allow me to acquire and enhance my computing skills in the areas of programming, content generation and database design and implementation. Nearly all businesses employ e-commerce and it is essential to understand the structure of business processes from front end development to the end of the lifecycle. With this in mind, I am interested in the research led by Dr.Jankung Feng and Dr.Abel Usoro, focusing on database theory to tap into the use of semantic information for the successful creation and integration of business information systems.

I strongly believe that my interpersonal skills acquired professionally, coupled with steely resolve to excel and perform academically would hold me in good stead for succeeding in a Master's program. I hope that my zeal and determination to realize my professional and personal goals will provide me the privilege of joining your esteemed university. I am confident that the knowledge gained will enable me to utilize my skills set to match the constantly developing industry and introduce me to diversity, global peer groups and effective computing.

PS- PLEASE REFRAIN FROM COPYING ANY AND ALL PARTS OF THIS ESSAY. I spent quite a bit of time in improvising it and I don't want my efforts to go down the drain. Constructive comments and suggestions are always welcome and I would appreciate people who do point out my mistakes.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Jan 27, 2015   #2
Namratha, you have presented an interesting academic biography, which does not necessarily translate into a statement of purpose. In fact, in this particular instance, what you wrote cannot be considered a statement of purpose. Maybe it can be considered a personal statement, but definitely not an SOP. There is too much unnecessary information in your essay pertaining to your academic background that takes the attention away from any purpose that you might have presented towards the end of your essay. Please remember that the purpose of your application must be placed at the beginning of the essay in order for it to become most effective in gaining the attention of the admissions officer. I can tell you right now that because you placed it at the very end of your essay, the admissions officer will not get to that part. You already lost his attention after your very long academic run down. Here are some tips to help you better revise this essay:

1. Although you do not come from an IT background, your line of work does have you working with computers, so tell the admissions officer how long (in years) you have been working in that field and what kind of computer or IT experience is involved with it. Immediately follow that statement with the purpose of your desire for higher studies (career advancement, employment opportunities, etc.)

2. A mere mention of your college major is in order. It need not be highly detailed as the concentration of the admissions procedure this time will be on your professional work experience. Inform the reader about any relevant training and seminars that you have attended that have direct connections with your chosen masters course in order to show a line of progression in terms of interest and necessity on your part.

3. Present your short and long term career goals, or any special projects you would like to work on while enrolled at the university. Then conclude the essay by explaining how the only recourse for you to achieve these goals will be to have the assistance of this particular university during your masters degree studies.

Developing your SOP is that simple. I hope that you can revise your essay based upon my suggestions and that you will be able to make it more prompt adherent in the process :-)
OP confusee123 5 / 14  
Jan 27, 2015   #3
Hi !
Thank you for your prompt reply! One question; what is the difference between a Statement of Purpose and Personal statement?!! I thought they meant the same thing.

I'm intending to apply to European universities and was asked to provide the personal statement which is why i chronicled my academic background and research interest. My work experience is less than a year and not related to my area of study which is why I didn't expand on it. Should I still include a few lines on it? Because i have limited working experience in IT field I am applying to conversion courses open to students from any discipline. This is why i wasn't sure what to emphasize on while writing because if I wrote about something I barely knew about but wanted to study, I thought it would affect my application.

Also, should I write about my career interests and interest in the field in the second or third paragraph?
It'd help me if you could reply to this too!
Thanks again!!
vangiespen - / 4088  
Jan 27, 2015   #4
what is the difference between a Statement of Purpose and Personal statement?!! I thought they meant the same thing.

- No. They do not mean the same thing and each essay serves a specific purpose. A personal statement is normally a method by which you highlight your skills as a employee or a student which can help your application stand out from the stack of applicants. While a statement of purpose, which is also known by other names (Application essay or Objectives for Graduate Study are some of those names), is meant to show your passion for the field you are working in or want to work in, your capacity for learning and intelligence, the ability to perform two hard tasks (working and studying) at 100 % capacity each time and thus able to properly address the challenges of higher level studies and your professional tasks, allowing you to complete the course on schedule, and that you have the capacity to actually make an important change or improvement to your current profession.

My work experience is less than a year and not related to my area of study which is why I didn't expand on it. Should I still include a few lines on it? Because i have limited working experience in IT field I am applying to conversion courses open to students from any discipline.

- That does not matter. What matters is that you are able to prove that you have some sort of relevant background pertinent to the course of study you are applying to. Otherwise, the admissions committee will not be able to help but wonder as to whether you have the academic capacity to understand and apply the lessons that you will be learning. Mention your little work experience in the IT field, it is practically required that you do so to prove a number of facts about yourself as a potential student.

should I write about my career interests and interest in the field in the second or third paragraph?

- Definitely write these information in the second paragraph. Immediately after the hook / introductory paragraph.

I hope I was able to respond to your questions and clarify any doubts you might be having. Feel free to ask more questions if you need to :-)

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