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Statement of Purpose for MS in Business Analytics in UK (3 years of Work ex)

grimmhuntress 1 / -  
May 4, 2020   #1
Hi I am Sneha and I am from India. I have an experience of 3+ years in the field of IT and am looking forward to make a career in the field of analytics and want to apply for MS in Business Analytics in UK. I need reviews on this draft SOP. Thanks in advance :)

'the need of the hour'

I have always been an inquisitive person. I always loved to know and learn about things no matter how random they were. Right from different coding languages to different mythological tales. Being in IT field, has unlocked the path to a vast ocean of technological areas. During the recent years, I stumbled upon Business Analytics, and fast-growing field. Considering the about of data every individual, organization and government generates, Business Analytics and its sister fields like Data Analytics have become the need of the hour.

Since secondary school, I have had an inclination towards coding. For grades 9th & 10th, we had to choose an elective subject and the choice was obvious for me - Computer Applications. I had also won the 1st State and 15th International rank in International Informatics Olympiad in 2010. The other subject that really caught my interest was Statistics. Later during my junior college years, I to dig deeper into Statistics and also to Operations Research.

Continuing my pursuit of the field of Computer Applications, I enrolled to Bachelor Computer Applications (B.C.A.) for my Undergraduate Degree. The B.C.A. degree was interdisciplinary, not only did I study different programming languages but also various management subjects like Organizational Behaviour, Accounts, etc. Different mathematics subjects were also part of the curriculum which included Statistics, Operational Research, etc. Soft Skills training was mandatory for all final year students. This not only helped the students hone their interpersonal skills but also their individual capabilities. I was amongst the top rankers throughout the 3 years of the degree. I lead the final year project for my team which was a web-based classroom management system and was developed using HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL. Apart from that, I was actively involved in event organizing, was the Class Representative for 3 semesters and also participated in multiple tech competitions. Unlike most of my classmates, instead of going for Masters, I focused on getting a work experience. It wasn't an easy decision to make considering the cutthroat competition in the job market, with post graduates getting preference over graduates. But what I knew for sure is, getting a job experience would help me with my holistic development. Moreover, it would help pave my path for my future goals.

I have been working in an MNC since the past 3 years as a Software Engineer. During my tenure, I had had the opportunity to work on a variety of tools and languages. Being trained on Mainframe initially, I became a part of a project which started off as a Mainframe system but got extended into a full-fledged Web based project. Our team then implemented DevOps to it and made a successful CI/CD project. During this, I got the opportunity to get hands on experience on UI Development and its integration with Mainframes as well as Mongo DB (a NoSQL database program). I was also fortunate enough to get an in-depth knowledge of the working on Jenkins, Excel macros & VBA and Windows Batch Scripting. My team won an award as well. Post that, I worked in the Project Management Office for a few months, in which I was introduced to a whole different type of work. Right from Invoicing to Demand management. I also leveraged my automation skills to reduce redundant work. Currently, I am working in the digital analytics domain of a USA based insurance client as an ETL QA for an MDM system. I extensively use SQL and have been taking automation initiative using RPA and Python. I have not only undergone technical growth but also interpersonal growth. Facing Client in an Agile project has given me exposure to work ethics, communication and Collaboration. These skills are definitely going to be of great help in my future.

During the 2nd year in my company, I started getting to look up on the emerging field of Business Analytics. Being part of Financial Services wing of the company, I had already known the significance of data and was well aware of the amount of data which being created and processed every second of the day. Soon I realized, Business Analytics basically is the perfect combination of everything I am interested in and it holds the power to change the world. It can solve unthinkable business problems. It's an ideal amalgamation of Technology and Business. I started taking up online courses to dive into this field. Soon I came to a realization that my current work experience won't suffice and eventually I arrived at the decision of pursuing Masters in Business Analytics. After a lot of considerations, I picked UK as my study destination. UK is a popular study destination amongst the international students. It gives a huge range of cross-cultural experience and provides quality education. The post-graduation work norms are very attractive as well. Quite a number of big companies have their offices in UK, which is very beneficial for student who look for jobs and internships post their graduation. The country is also known for its infrastructure and health system.

Master in Business Analytics from your (University) will lay the foundation for my career in this field. Being one of the top universities for Business Analytics, your University will help me acquire the necessary skills which are required to make a career in Business Analytics and will also help me with enhancing the pre-existing ones. The diverse curriculum and coursework will help me with the theoretical as well as practical experience.

After graduation, I want to use my acquired skills in the Finance and/or Health care domain. Both of these domains produce humongous amounts of useful and vital data. Being able to implement different analytics methods to the business problems of Finance and Health care sectors will solve a lot of world problems. Both of these sectors are crucial part of everyday lives of people and are in need of growth. Apart from harnessing the business analytics skills, I also want to leverage AI, ML and Automation in the field of Business Analytics. We will be able to use Business Analytics at a greater potential when it is combined with these 3 technologies. Although analysts have already started working towards combining them, I will love to research further and help with the application. Although studying abroad is intimidating but I am looking forward to a different and challenging life experience for me. I am really looking forward to be a part of your prestigious university.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
May 5, 2020   #2
The essay needs to focus more on the purpose aspect and less on the narrative background aspect. Your presentation does not offer a clear purpose for your interest in business analytics as is applies to your current and future career goals. I feel that there is a need for you to reformat the paper, basing the content mostly on the requirements of the SOP presentation. This is what you can consider doing to improve the essay:

Par. 1 - Introduce your current work position, duties and responsibilities. Transition by explaining how your most recent work experience has introduced you to the importance of business analytics going forward with your career.

Par. 2: Discuss your foundational training in Business Analytics. You do not need to discuss your full undergraduate resume. Just mention the relevant courses you took ( if any) and what sort of grades you got. More importantly describe any training you have based on your job requirements (format and informal training) with a focus on why these acquired skills have best prepared you to take this masters course

Par. 3: Describe how you plan to apply your knowledge to your profession. How will the course make you a better employee? What are your chances for career advancement? Is that one of the main reasons that you became interested in the course?

Par. 4: What were the factors you considered when choosing the university? How does the university address your career and academic purposes?

Your focus in the original presentation had a tendency to veer off topic and become generalized in presentation. Stay the course and focus only on your career plans, advancement opportunities, and improvements you can make in your field upon completion of the course. Everything must relate to your career in a clear, relatable, and understandable manner.

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