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Statement of purpose - why I want to apply for Master in Business Analytics?

sadikabid27 1 / -  
Apr 4, 2020   #1

how my qualifications and interests fit into this program?

I, **, am interested to apply for Master of Science in Business Analytics at the University of **, **. In the following passages, I will be describing why I want to apply to this university and how my qualifications and interests fit into this program.

I have completed Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree dual major in "Accounting and Finance" from *** which is one of the highest-ranked universities in my country and achieved a CGPA of 3.50 out of 4 in November- 2016. Since the beginning of my university study being a business student, I grew interest in the integration of business and technology. I found "Accounting and Finance" the promising sector that will evolve the most with the advancement data-driven economy throughout the world, which led me to take the challenge of majoring in both fields. As interest grew towards Business analysis I figured that there's a structured relationship lies between Business Information insight, Management strategies and Communication henceforth, during bachelor study, besides mandatory courses I have gained additional knowledge on Principles of management, Visual programing for business, Organizational Behavior, Management Information Systems & Human resource management through lectures and academic projects. To hone my number senses, I have also taken courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistical and mathematical methods of business and economics.

I am currently working as a 'Management Trainee' in *** in the division of CMSME (Cottage, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise) and Green Financing. My job responsibilities entail Business process development, Business Analysis, Risk management and loan product development. Presently, I'm working on several projects that include an AI-based Customer Relationship Management module, automatic grading system for prospective borrowers (Excel-based) and automation in Credit Risk Management system. We have successfully developed and launched a product named ** which brought us International finance award- 2019 in the category of "Best Innovative Financial Solution Provider" refer to this link: **. I was a core member of the development team and its operational process is thoroughly automated based on in-house developed software and Microsoft Office applications. I strive to keep my research aptitude interconnected in both academic and professional arena, that approach has led me to be a successful student and to grow as a professional hence, I chose 'Business analytics' as my further research segment.

Besides academic studies and research, I have attended numbers of seminars and workshops on business and finance. I also took online courses to learn SPSS, Tableau, STATA and Advanced Microsoft Excel. At the last quarter of my study, I undertook an internship with a non-banking financial institution in Dhaka. I worked within the credit risk management department and was given responsibilities of undertaking capital assessment, net worth and lease calculation.

My goal is to pursue a career in research and teaching. A decade from now, I would like to see myself as a successful researcher and a faculty member of a leading university. This degree is a very important step towards that goal. I have a strong inclination to pursue a doctor of philosophy afterwards to be a successful academic.

To pursue a post-graduate degree, I started looking for an opportunity and found that the "University of **" is renowned for its remarkable graduate programs and research facilities. After carefully investigating research works and publications of the Business Analytics faculty, I realized that there exists a vast range of opportunities to learn from and develop. I am aware of the hard work and perseverance necessary for research work as a postgrad student. Given proper financial aid and didactic assistance, I am confident to be an effective addition to the ** School of Business.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Apr 4, 2020   #2
The essay needs to be reformatted in order to create a more interesting SOP and information presentation. The current version is too scattered and sometimes irrelevant to the discussion expected. You might want to consider the following format suggestion to improve the content of the paper:

Par. 1: I am currently working ...I chose 'Business analytics' as my further research segment.
Par. 2: My goal is t...be a successful academic. ( Consider using a 5 year career plan in this presentation. 10 years requires additional studies under the PhD program)

Par. 3: Besides academic studies and research...and lease calculation.
Par. 4: I have completed Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) ...business and economics.
Par. 5: You need a totally new paragraph. One that includes a reference to how the university can help you achieve your 5 year career plan based on the course curriculum and other training programs. Your current reference doesn't really stand out as reasons why you would choose the university to study at.

You don't really need to introduce yourself in the manner that you did in this paper. The reviewer already knows who you are and the title of the paper is self explanatory. Don't talk down to the reviewer, he will feel insulted.

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