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Statement of Purpose for Masters in IT for Business analytics

jyotib 1 / -  
Jul 11, 2016   #1
Dear all ,This is first time i am writing SOP . Need your advice and suggestions .Below is first version of my SOP .

As Engineering graduate I have been always fascinated about Analytics. After working with Telecom companies for so many years, I have understood importance of Business analytics and use of different software tools and Technics for data analytics. I want to peruse Masters in IT for Business analytics as a next step to achieve my career goal to become expert in Data analytics and use this experience to further grow as Data strategist.

During my work at Nokia Siemens Networks as System engineer and BlackBerry, I came across verity of data such as customer profiles, device data, network data, customer usage patterns, location data, apps downloaded, click stream data so on and so forth available with Telecommunication Service providers and vendors. I learned to analyse data using Microsoft Excel and use this analysis for network optimization. Later I used Mini Tab along with Microsoft Excel for analyzing customer compliant data and used it to improve business process. With more and more data analysis and its use in taking important decision in business, I started developing tremendous interest in Business analytics. I learned, how data analytics can help to improve business profit and can be used as basis for many critical business decisions.

Given abundance of data at their fingertips, Telecom Service Providers and vendors are virtually sitting on a goldmine of information and are in a great position to capitalize on these valuable data sets. With growing volume of structured and unstructured data it is important to use software tools for Big data analysis to identify insights for faster, better decision making and stay agile which gives organizations a competitive edge. With this I realized importance of learning data analytics as a major subject to drive business successfully.

I believe SMU's Master of IT in Business- Analytics program will help me to learn necessary tools specially in data analytics, which I can use for analyzing Telecom data. I believe that this master's program is the best graduate study that suits my long term career aspiration. This course brings both technical expertise and business acumen to table. Modules offered in MITBA course are of very impressive and of my interest. Modules such as Customer Analytics and application will be useful for me in customer experience management. It will help me to translate the massive amounts of captured customer data into strategically relevant, insightful and immediately useful actions. Module Big Data Tools and Technics will help me gain expertise in Software tools required for big data analysis. Specially tools such as Hadoop which Telecom service providers are extensively using for Big Data analysis. Operations analytics & application Module will be helpful in Network analysis and optimization. This will help in more accurately monitor, manage and forecast network capacity and plan for potential outages. I will be able to apply operation analytics knowledge in order to identify the actual cause of business operation problems by collecting, preparing, and exploring data to gain business insights, before proposing what objectives and solutions can and should be done to solve the problems. Predictive Analytics and Optimization help achieve long term strategic advantage in terms of process improvement and of the optimization of business processes. it will help to understand the relationship between Simulation, Optimization and Predictive Analytics and this will help to deliver long term strategic advantage. MITBA also offers IT & Project Management Modules and General Management for Technology & Operation module which are of interest to me.

SMU's Master in IT for Business analytics course will be stepping stone for me to grow in field of Data and Business analytics. It will help me to gain IT expertise of data analytics along with exposure to Business analytics. Modules such as Strategy and Organisation will help me to peruse my long term career goals of becoming Data Strategist and work in field of Telecom /ICT. As a Data strategist I want to work with data available in Telecom sector same way as companies like Google and Facebook are working with data, where data is king and virtually every product decision flows from what the available data says about customers and how it can be used.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Jul 11, 2016   #2
I have been always

I think people too often say, "I have always been interested in..." so the people who read these essays get tired of seeing it. Let's think of a way to catch the reader's attention at the start of the essay. I'll keep reading until I find something that catches my attention.

...to become expert in Data analytics and use this experience to further grow as Data strategist. --- This is not a goal. This is a means to an end. Do you know that expression? A means to an end is a method for achieving the real goal. If you want to excite the reader, think about your degree program, and even your career, as a stepping stone on the path toward achieving the real goal.

And what is the real goal? You want to attend this school to become an expert in analytics, and you want that expertise because it will empower you to do something. What is it you want to do with this expertise? I wonder if you have a vision for the future in which you apply your talents to positively society, or people's lives, in a specific way.

Given the abundance of data at their fingertips, Telecom Service Providers and vendors are --- Here is a great sentence! I added one word. This was the first sentence that caught my attention. For that reason, I suggest putting it right up at the top. This is the 'hook' that hooks the reader's attention.

Given the abundance of ... I realized importance of learning data analytics as a major subject to drive business successfully.--- Brilliant. You should put this paragraph up at the top. This is the introduction paragraph.

I believe SMU's Master of IT in Business- Analytics program will help me to learn necessary tools specially in data analytics, which I can use for analyzing Telecom data. I believe that t This master's program is the best graduate study that suits my long term career aspiration.---- Stop saying "I believe". :-) Never say it again. If you believe it, say it. There is no need to qualify it by saying it is what you believe.

It's very common to begin an essay with sentences that just convey information without appealing to the reader's interest, but then after a few paragraphs the writer gets her/his groove on. Sometimes it's a good idea to write a draft, like this one, and then wait a day or two and read it to see where you find the first sentence with real energy. Put that sentence at the top of the essay, and start over again! Develop that single, interesting idea that you use to support your argument in favor of analytics as a path to achieving a real positive impact.

Great job!

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