Dear all, thanks in advance for this excellent editing service. I have discovered this forum just a few days ago and felt its necessity for myself.
I had some queries. First, the essay didn't asked any back ground, this is the only essay and restricted to only 500 words. I am giving my response below. I didn't include my background here or experience. Just answered what they asked. It is now 496 word. Should I explain my back ground (they are present to some extent in CV). Please give me suggestions and any comments on the essay is welcome.
Question: Please provide a short statement (up to 500 words) describing your interest in this graduate program and identifying your research areas of interest.
Among the seven grand challenges identified by British Computer Society, two challenges are pertaining to the development of ubiquitous computing environment, a state-of-the-art model of computing where computational power is embedded in our environment through a diverse range of technology: massively distributed computing system with mobility support, active spaces and ambient intelligence. Diverse digital artifacts from supercomputers to smart dusts will interact over a pervasive network. To develop such an integrated computing environment we need to rethink the design of next generation internet architectures and supporting middleware where the issues of scalability, security, fault-tolerance, availability, reliability, resource as well as context awareness and self-management must be addressed. Cloud computing and network virtualization are two powerful abstractions, which can handle several of these difficulties.
A reliable cloud consisting massive data-centers and processing capabilities can hide the details of physical computation. Software is served as a service where as hardware allocation is made on demand. The ubiquity of smart, mobile, wireless but tiny gadgets indicate that core computations will be leveraged to computing clouds. To harness the capabilities of cloud computing we need to address the challenges associated with both soft issues (e.g. data and application) and hard issues (e.g. processors, storage and communications). In the case of data, we need to maintain their availability, confidentiality and transferability. Regarding applications, their portability, performance predictability and maintainability must be ensured. Storage should scale dynamically as well as customer reputations require to be adjusted on individual basis. Finally, security must be embedded at the core without being an optional feature. I am interested to explore these challenges during my doctoral endeavor.
On the other hand, a virtualized network is capable of abstracting the ossified infrastructure by virtualization along multifarious dimensions, consisting underlying network technologies as well as layer and unit of abstraction. To successfully virtualize any network, attention must be paid to both unique and general issues. We need to provide standardized programmable interfaces to service providers and bootstrapping capabilities for establishment of new virtual nodes and links. Moreover, several classical issues including resource and topology discovery, resource allocation, admission control, naming and addressing, mobility management, security and privacy as well as interoperability must also be addressed.
Networks and Distributed Systems Group of the University of XXX is a leading research unit of the world in the field of distributed computing. Especially, I am enthusiastic about the research of Professor YYY, which comprises the area of next generation internet architecture, network virtualization, and cloud computing. In addition, I was fortunate to complete my graduate thesis under the supervision of Dr. ZZZ, who is also an alumnus of this group and a supervisee of Professor YYY. I had the opportunity to have collaborations about the group's research from my supervisor and several other former and current students of the group, who were my colleagues as well as friends. I found an excellent match with my research interests here, which will help me to pursue my PhD degree with enthusiasm.
I had some queries. First, the essay didn't asked any back ground, this is the only essay and restricted to only 500 words. I am giving my response below. I didn't include my background here or experience. Just answered what they asked. It is now 496 word. Should I explain my back ground (they are present to some extent in CV). Please give me suggestions and any comments on the essay is welcome.
Question: Please provide a short statement (up to 500 words) describing your interest in this graduate program and identifying your research areas of interest.
Among the seven grand challenges identified by British Computer Society, two challenges are pertaining to the development of ubiquitous computing environment, a state-of-the-art model of computing where computational power is embedded in our environment through a diverse range of technology: massively distributed computing system with mobility support, active spaces and ambient intelligence. Diverse digital artifacts from supercomputers to smart dusts will interact over a pervasive network. To develop such an integrated computing environment we need to rethink the design of next generation internet architectures and supporting middleware where the issues of scalability, security, fault-tolerance, availability, reliability, resource as well as context awareness and self-management must be addressed. Cloud computing and network virtualization are two powerful abstractions, which can handle several of these difficulties.
A reliable cloud consisting massive data-centers and processing capabilities can hide the details of physical computation. Software is served as a service where as hardware allocation is made on demand. The ubiquity of smart, mobile, wireless but tiny gadgets indicate that core computations will be leveraged to computing clouds. To harness the capabilities of cloud computing we need to address the challenges associated with both soft issues (e.g. data and application) and hard issues (e.g. processors, storage and communications). In the case of data, we need to maintain their availability, confidentiality and transferability. Regarding applications, their portability, performance predictability and maintainability must be ensured. Storage should scale dynamically as well as customer reputations require to be adjusted on individual basis. Finally, security must be embedded at the core without being an optional feature. I am interested to explore these challenges during my doctoral endeavor.
On the other hand, a virtualized network is capable of abstracting the ossified infrastructure by virtualization along multifarious dimensions, consisting underlying network technologies as well as layer and unit of abstraction. To successfully virtualize any network, attention must be paid to both unique and general issues. We need to provide standardized programmable interfaces to service providers and bootstrapping capabilities for establishment of new virtual nodes and links. Moreover, several classical issues including resource and topology discovery, resource allocation, admission control, naming and addressing, mobility management, security and privacy as well as interoperability must also be addressed.
Networks and Distributed Systems Group of the University of XXX is a leading research unit of the world in the field of distributed computing. Especially, I am enthusiastic about the research of Professor YYY, which comprises the area of next generation internet architecture, network virtualization, and cloud computing. In addition, I was fortunate to complete my graduate thesis under the supervision of Dr. ZZZ, who is also an alumnus of this group and a supervisee of Professor YYY. I had the opportunity to have collaborations about the group's research from my supervisor and several other former and current students of the group, who were my colleagues as well as friends. I found an excellent match with my research interests here, which will help me to pursue my PhD degree with enthusiasm.