Undergraduate /
Urban setting/opportunity for women/ education/ challenging ; Barnard/Good Match? [4]
How did you first learn about Barnard College and what factors have influenced your decision to apply? Why do you think the College would be a good match for you?
Because I am interested in attending college in New York City, I was able find out about Barnard College easily. I admired that Barnard College is in an urban setting and in one of the greatest cities in the world. Besides being in a great location, Barnard College is unique because it focuses on giving the best education to women. The school stands out to me because it gives the opportunity for young women, like me, to learn to become strong, aspiring and independent. I know that Barnard College will educate me to view the world through different perspectives and sculpt me into being someone who can create progress in the world. I applied to Barnard College because I acknowledge that it is a challenging school. I am willing to be challenged to be the best that I can become - especially during my college years. I hope to make my college experience worthwhile and I am confident that Barnard College can help me become the leader who will create change for the benefit of society.
Pick one woman in history or fiction to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. What would you talk about?
I would choose to converse with Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to graduate from medical school and a pioneer in educating women in medicine. The reason why I would choose Blackwell is because I admire her audacity to prove that women are just as capable, intelligent and important as men. Blackwell's ambition was able to overcome the uncertainty of being a woman doctor. Although she was rejected by almost all the medical schools she applied to, she was accepted to Geneva Medical College. But, Blackwell's acceptance was endorsed as a practical joke. I wonder how Blackwell was able to persist in becoming the first woman to graduate from medical school, despite society's harsh views. Did she know that her actions would influence the future of medicine? Did she realize that her achievements would inspire women in later generations? What inspired her to persist on becoming the first woman doctor of medicine in the modern era?
Alumna and writer Anna Quindlen says that she "majored in unafraid" at Barnard. Tell us about a time when you majored in unafraid.
I felt the stares of the crowd as I walked onto the dance floor. I was at my first dance competition and I did not know what to expect. I took a deep breath as my partner looked at me. Although he didn't say a word, I knew exactly what he was saying. We can do this, Lisa. I believe in us. I took a deep breath and remembered the reason why I was here. I wasn't here to disappoint myself; instead, I was here to show everybody the fearlessness in me. This is my chance to shine. I majored in unafraid when I danced my first dance competition; I wouldn't allow my worries to overtake the experience. My fears were only temporary until I reminded myself that I was competing because it was my passion to dance. As I danced, I let all my emotions escape. Despite the pressure from the judges, I prevented my worries from ruining my chances. Majoring in unafraid that day showed me what I was truly made of and hopefully will become in the future.
Community - educational, geographic, religious, political, ethnic, or other - can define an individual's experience and influence her journey. How has your community, as you identify it, shaped your perspective?
I wander through the numerous displays of cultural dishes as I observe what ingredients were needed to make these foods. I'm in seventh grade and it's the annual cultural festival at school. No matter which school I attend, I always seem to be surrounded by the diverse community New York City has provided me with. I've learned how to embrace the differences that my friends and I may have - whether it is our clothes, background, or beliefs. My community has taught me to respect others for their differences because our differences make us individual. It has also taught me that despite our differences, we are also very similar and our similarities unite us as a community. I learned from my community that diversity is something we should be grateful to have; not only does diversity teach us to respect different cultures, but it also teaches us to be more accepting and adjustable.
E. Applicants for the HEOP Scholars Program: Why are you interested in the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program? What do you hope to achieve by participating in this program?
Being part of the HEOP Scholars Program can help me pursue my dream of being an oncologist. Following this career path takes time, effort and money. The HEOP Scholars Program can help take one burden off me and help me focus on what's most significant for my goal. I believe that as a college student, it is more important to concentrate on the experience and education rather than the tuition. I hope that with the help of the HEOP Scholars Program, I'll be able to afford achieving my full potential without having me worrying about whether I should study at a certain institution solely on its tuition. Most importantly, I hope that the HEOP Scholars Program will prove that good education does not always mean an unaffordable education. I am hoping that I can look back one day and be grateful for the HEOP Scholars program that gave me the advantage and opportunity to become the strong, aspiring and independent woman who, despite financial challenges, was able to succeed from Barnard College.