Dec 9, 2009
Graduate / 'the field of Micro/Nanofluidic' - S,O,P for PhD in mechanical engineering [3]
Should the second sentence be exceptionally talented???
Being admitted there brought me great opportunities along with responsibilities. >> or just replace "along" with "and". (If you do that replacement I would replace "me" with "both": brought both great opportunities and responsibilities.)
competing with the best students of my townand trying to outdo each other << this is redundant. this sentence is also kind of long as it is so finding a place to cut back on words would help the flow of it.
By taking extra CFD courses,and carrying out programming projects and making use of well-known commercial software during my courses << the first "and" you should take out
Fortunately, I discovered the field of Micro/Nanofluidic, which I foundit an integratedof all of my interests
This hasserved to sharpened my inclination to engage in active research within this area.
Also, some things to clarify: was this school you worked at labs in also an elementary school?
What is the chronology of the first paragraph? Ordinary elementary school - hard core middle and high school that prepared you for said university?
During the first two years of my undergraduate study, the importance of mathematical modeling for engineers and applied scientists encouraged me to improve my knowledge
I like your opening quote but I had a hard time seeing its relevance to the rest of your statement. How did you create yourself? If you could be more specific about that i think it would strengthen your statement.
I also understand Mech Eng programs might not care as much about such detail. I do think that you have presented your strengths well. Just tighten up some of the English so that it reads more smoothly.
Should the second sentence be exceptionally talented???
Being admitted there brought me great opportunities along with responsibilities. >> or just replace "along" with "and". (If you do that replacement I would replace "me" with "both": brought both great opportunities and responsibilities.)
competing with the best students of my town
By taking extra CFD courses,
Fortunately, I discovered the field of Micro/Nanofluidic, which I found
This has
Also, some things to clarify: was this school you worked at labs in also an elementary school?
What is the chronology of the first paragraph? Ordinary elementary school - hard core middle and high school that prepared you for said university?
During the first two years of my undergraduate study, the importance of mathematical modeling for engineers and applied scientists encouraged me to improve my knowledge
I like your opening quote but I had a hard time seeing its relevance to the rest of your statement. How did you create yourself? If you could be more specific about that i think it would strengthen your statement.
I also understand Mech Eng programs might not care as much about such detail. I do think that you have presented your strengths well. Just tighten up some of the English so that it reads more smoothly.