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Posts by scoreas21
Joined: Aug 16, 2011
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Aug 16, 2011
Undergraduate / water conservation - ut essay transfer topic e - [2]

Choose an issue of importance to you - the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope - and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.


Our bodies are made up of 65-70% of water. The world contains about 71% of water, of that 97.5%mis salt water leaving only 2.5% for fresh drinking water. Although there are several problems in the world such as global warming, poverty, and alternative fuel, we will never be able to fix them if we are not able to live long enough to come up with solutions.

The average human needs to drink 80 ounces of water a day. With our population growing and with water becoming sparse, there needs to be a solution that would not only conserve the water the world needs for nature to continually take the water the world needs for nature to continually take the water it needs and allow humans to have water we need to survive.

Currently there is one solution that has become quite popular. It is the use of rain water. Rain water, also known as rain harvesting systems, collect and filter rain water into drinking water. These devices are placed on areas that do not need the water, such as concrete. It's a very simple system that collects water from roof tops and then leads water down to the gutters, and then a pipe from the gutters down the side of the house into the water harvesting system.

Some companies have already incorporated rain harvesting systems into their building structures. Most of them use it for basic water necessities such as a sprinkler system or even water for toilets. There is even an entire building that is designing its structure around a rain harvesting system. This building is called the Shanghai Tower, and although it will not be ready until 2014, it is sure to lead in example as to what needs to be done to save the people of this planet while also helping it.

Rain harvesting systems are a great solution, but it is only the first step into helping the world and the people on it. There are other simple things that we can do consciously to prevent water being wasted.

There was recently a student featured in the Yahoo news for his science project of water pressure. The project was to determine if cutting down the water pressure to a building in half and determine if the building would still be able to have enough water it needed for its building. Not only did the building have enough water to maintain its water supply, but the building was also able to save money on its water bill. After the project the building continued to keep running at the lower water pressure.

Water conservation is not only a great help to the world, but also to us as humans. Food can be replaced with supplements but water is irreplaceable. Saving water is not only economically sound but also environmentally friendly.

comments would be appreciated. i need to know if im on topic or if it sounds good, anything like that
Aug 18, 2011
Writing Feedback / "a competition background" - a color of life [3]

in life, everyone encounters several challenges .
I would suggest switching it to "Everyone encounters several challenges through their lives."

This challenge could be an exam in high school ...

The challenge that not only appeals most to me, but also makes me very happy, is ...

maybe consider reading your paper out loud to yourself to also help with grammar or things of that nature
Feb 8, 2012
Undergraduate / 'dedication, persistence, and involvement' - Personal Statement [2]

Very good paper!
A couple of things, you writing, especially "My mom opened my package and called to let me know I had been automatically admitted to UGA Honors. I almost threw away the form because I didn't want to come to UGA, but my mother forced me to fill it out and accept the offer" seemed as if you were writing the same as you talk. Just remember to write in a more formal and enhanced tone.

I'm not sure if "My favorite things to attend are gymnastics meets, tennis matches and anything held at the performance arts center." has anything to do with HTA and the position you are applying for, but it seemed random to me for you to place this sentence in your paragraph. If it is related, I would suggest to make it flow into your paper. Possibly even start the sentence differently and it would help it flow.

Maybe even just cutting out "my favorite things to attend" and just stating, I attend gym meets ... during my free time.
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