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Posts by iwantagoodfutur
Joined: Jan 25, 2013
Last Post: Jan 28, 2013
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From: United States of America

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Jan 25, 2013
Undergraduate / I could not escape my twisted fate; RICHMOND APP; EXPERIENCE [10]

I didn't really include a lot about how the experience changed me and I want to know if I should elaborate on that aspect. I know I'm not a very good writer, but I try. ): Help and comments are in dire need! The prompt is: Tell us about an experience in which you left your comfort zone. How did this experience change you?

There are times when I am unusually pessimistic, nights when I cannot bring myself to sleep, hours I spend in absolute solitude-only pondering. Questioning, I fill my head with thoughts and delve into the troubling waters of my mind; sometimes, I ask myself: Why do we live-why do I live? The motivated student persona reasons: to study and learn of the world, attain great marks, thrive intellectually and succeed, with opulence through a showy sense of fashion and perhaps a majestic mansion or luxury sedan; the afflicted spirit screams: Hell to this cruel, materialistic world; die! life is meaningless. These are the times when I leave my comfort zone. And, no, I am not bipolar.

"She likes me..." I slurped the last bubble of tapioca from the clear, plastic cup, "She likes me not." A sound of a low, coarse chuckle of pretense and disappointment escaped my twisted face. Once again, I could not escape my twisted fate.

Earlier, after an unsatisfied, extraordinarily dull day of school, I returned home. Down went my bags onto the floor, my body onto the bed, and my thoughts into a dark abyss. That day, I had failed again; and again, my hopes of succulent confidence were over-burnt, to a dry point beyond retrieval and possible correction. I had attempted to propose love to an attractive female acquaintance; but I failed, and perished to the bottom of the social ladder. Ill of the defeats of a normal teenage boy, my mind sailed out and lost itself in a dark sea of thoughts. Again, I had left my cheery, comfort zone.

Vulnerable and afraid, my thoughts now ran swiftly through the woods, attempting to escape the perils of my forlorn reality. She rejected me; now, everybody will laugh at me. I'll be living in Hell, a bottomless perdition of ignominy and mockery. How can I get myself out of the dark, cruel forest and up into the free, fresh airs of the mountain peak? The optimistic student persona had no say; and dark thoughts swirled and subjugated my other thoughts, leaving only my cruel spirit. My mind fluttered: Is there an individually interpreted reality in each of us? Or is there only a uniform reality outside of us, and if so, does that matter?

In the array of dark thoughts, I caught a glimmer-faint, but significant enough-of thought, a light of divine revelation; as I drew near, I discovered the source. It was emitting from a demonic statue ablaze, however frozen from a solid state of mind, indifferent to the seas of purging flames its body was set in. Of course, it would be fitting to discover a demon whilst in my somber meditation. The demon, Satan, had endured agonies of Hell, without complaint, even calling his tormenting prison [not Hell but] Heaven, because he set his mind elsewhere. I may be slipping into insanity; in my dark state, I decided to follow the footsteps of the Devil. My mind reasoned: Satan is correct; what we perceive is our reality. There is no objective reality; the character of an event or situation is subjective to our minds. Hell can be Heaven, Heaven can be Hell; all is determined by our minds. Satan determines his reality, with only diversions in his cognitive processes; and that shall be the solution to my misfortune.

I remember waking to the sweet, comforting fragrance of my mother's fresh blueberry pancakes. Had I spent the entire night dwelling upon thoughts in my sleep again? Well, it matters not now; it had been too long ago, and it has been a long while since I had endured such a dismal night. I had left my cheery, comfort zone and experienced a barrage of shadowy thoughts; however, I emerged in a much better, enlightened state of mind. That night was the night I came to conclusion; the dark experience led me to change-to abide to a new motto, one that fixates on detaching oneself from objective aspects of life and constructing a new reality subjective to one's respective thoughts. And following this motto has kept me undisturbed by hindrances and finally optimistic [enough] in chasing after the dreams of my student persona: to study and attack my passions, consume knowledge with a voracious rapture, and after submit myself to a life of long success and luxury.
Jan 25, 2013
Undergraduate / I could not escape my twisted fate; RICHMOND APP; EXPERIENCE [10]

@Pahan Okay thanks! I didn't use tooooooo many big words I think I only used a few, but I may have been a tad bit confusing in a few parts of my essay. Soo which sentences do you think are confusing and should be simplified?

@dumi Haha thanks, but I'm at best mediocre. I've written too many essays that just fixate on an analysis or reflection of my experiences and I just wanted to play around with something new. But I guess I'm missing the point of these essays. Alright, I'll work on that aspect! Are there any specific lines of my essay that are slightly awkward, confusing, or perhaps unnecessary? I've used the word "thoughts" many times in my essay, and I'm wondering if there's a better word to replace it or if it's okay.

And please! If there's anyone else who can just read my essay over and give some feedback, that would be very awesome!
Jan 25, 2013
Undergraduate / I could not escape my twisted fate; RICHMOND APP; EXPERIENCE [10]

@didgeridoo Wow, I am speechless...this is amazing!!! Thanks for your help!! To be honest, I am not like this at all and--well, never mind. But this is what I've been waiting for!! I tried adding "Satan", "attractive female acquaintance", and the dark, really unusual, awkward imagery to kind of make things seem more dark and dramatic. The overly complex sentences were also supposed to reflect my complex thoughts, but I guess I'm not a good enough writer to make it work and it just ends up being weird. Well anyways I had some fun writing this and I think I'll change it according to your comments! Also, don't worry about me haha! And the cheery comfort zone is the meditation thing I'm doing. Is there any way I can make it clearer? Well, I put " my mind lost itself in a dark sea of thoughts" before it but I wasn't sure if it made it clear enough. One question, my experience was falling into a dark state of mind, where I have really weird, intense thoughts; did you catch that? I just want to know if I was clear or not.

"Again, my hopes of succulent confidence were over-burnt." I was trying to use a metaphor here that compares my hopes of attaining confidence to something being over-burned. But, I can see how it's confusing now. I'll work on it!

Oh, and for the "thoughts running through the woods" metaphor, I was trying to make it seem like my thoughts were, like a deer being chased by a predator, running through a forest because they were "scared" and I wanted to get out into the "free, fresh airs of the mountain peak" to get some fresh air and be away from danger... I guess it's awkward ): I just used these funky metaphors because I've read a couple of works in my literature books that have really weird metaphors so I just tried them out.

Well, okay thanks again for everything! You're awesome man! I will work on this a little bit more, but I think I may just toss it out and start a new one. I wrote it for fun anyways.
Jan 25, 2013
Undergraduate / I could not escape my twisted fate; RICHMOND APP; EXPERIENCE [10]

Okay awesome! I like your idea about changing the personifications to similes. And applying to Richmond was just for fun, so I think I might just keep it funky! Oohh WOW you seriously give the best feedback ever...

I'm not sure how to quote so I'll just put quotations:

"Maybe if you start by describing how your mind wanders or how you meditate on a normal day. And write that you never give life such intense thought. Then make it clear that that event pushed you into a new way of thinking, into the depths of your fears and insecurities to confront the nature of the reality you always accepted before."

I am definitely going to do that! I think it will provide a better, clearer framework for my essay!

And yeah, I know writing like this is probably not good for college essays but I just want to write for fun so yeaahhh haha

Well, thanks again for all your help!! ^____^
Jan 27, 2013
Undergraduate / I could not escape my twisted fate; RICHMOND APP; EXPERIENCE [10]

Hey! @didgeridoo Do you think you can help me read over another one of my essays? I just finished it not too long ago and I'm curious if it's good or not because I'm not sure at all... I kind of threw in a couple of ideas together and took out a lot of explanation and elaboration on important points. I just want to have an idea of how the essay is!
Jan 27, 2013
Undergraduate / Cartwheels at 70; FIT admission/ Why I'm a perfect candidate?/ My major [5]

I was watching a recap of NY fashion week and found out that a favorite designer of mine started her work designing at the big 40 that is to say she is now 70 and still doing cartwheels down the runway.

I think you should also rephrase that sentence, particularly the red part. Are you referring to "the big 40" as in her age? What about "I was watching a recap of NY fashion week and found out that my favorite designer, (NAME), who began her career late in her forties was now 70 and still doing cartwheels down the runway."

I was watching a recap of NY fashion week and found out a favorite designer of mine started her work designing at the big 40 that is to say she is now 70 and still doing cartwheels down the runway. Although slightly morbid, I imagine that is how she'll drop dead too, but I shall digress . Seeing her so active despite her age gave me the confidence to believe my next chapter ( Are you talking about her next chapter in life?) is going to be doing cartwheels at 70, and a major step towards that is FIT.

I am currently a photographer in the fashion industry. I am at a stage in my life and career that I am ready to re-focus. I am satisfied as a photographer but I have never felt that I had figured out what I wanted to go to college for. It was serendipity to learn that Betsy Johnson's (well, seeing the name of the designer here, I think you revealed her name after, but I still think it's better if you state her name in the beginning; but it's your call! fashion career started mid-life.

As a teenager I applied to SIU-C and completed a few semesters with good grades till I began to realize that a photography degree (pre-digital) was not mandatory so I opted for life lessons. While in the process of deciding to leave school at this stage and age in life, I mistakenly did not take into account the drop in grade point and the long-term repercussions of the decision in regards to my education.

In the school of life I grew from a small town girl with small town dreams to a woman treading the mean streets of the big apple (in Louboutins) I have worked as a freelance photographer on fashion editorials to a corporate Imaging Manager producing the images of garments for the database of a fashion wholesaler.

I have learned thru these experiences that I needed more, that my full potential has not been utilized, and that fashion is the industry I am the happiest in. Within fashion it took me a while to determine just what program to focus my energy on, I was not surprised to find that FIT had a degree program that tailored itself seemingly directly to me. International Marketing and Trade incorporates my love of language, my desire to be involved with the world, being aware of international trends, maintaining relationships with people I meet when traveling internationally.

Being an integral part of this global economy and incorporating my visual skills along with my logical and analytical skills. I applied to FIT as soon as I saw that it was the right fit for me. Submitted my application to the AS in Advertising and Marketing and planned to continue on to the BS.There are some grammatical errors here. Maybe you can rephrase it as: "Desire to be an integral part of the global economy (maybe replace "global economy" with a more specific word) and synthesize my visual, logical, and analytical skills motivated me to apply to FIT." <---- actually that's not very good either.. sorry ):

MY CURRENT DREAM IS TO TAKE MY CAREER TO THE NEXT LEVEL BY REDIRECTING MY FOCUS TO THE FASHION INDUSTRY?? AND I BELIEVE THAT it is through AN education at FIT that I will be able to make that happen. I think you should fix this sentence. I'm sure you'll come up with something much better! :)

Overall, I think this is a pretty good essay! Just read it over and change some grammar mistakes, maybe include some more recent things about your passion in the fashion industry and how they tie into your desire to get into FIT (you've done that but maybe have some more?). Please take my comments with a grain of salt because I'm not a really good writer either and I'm not that good at proofreading. Sorry if I didn't really help ): Good luck with FIT!
Jan 27, 2013
Essays / Superman: Hero, Inspiration, Tyrant, popular epigraph [6]

Hello guys! I'm curious if it's good or not because I'm not sure at all... I kind of threw in a couple of ideas together and, unfortunately, due to a word limit, I had to cut a lot of explanation and elaboration on important points. I just want to have an idea of how the essay is! Actually, after reading it, I feel that it's not that good at all... I'm not a very good writer... but I try... Please comment and contribute ideas!!

Superman: Hero, Inspiration, Tyrant

"It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Superman!"-this popular epigraph has been called out by many civilians [in distress] with a sense of relief. Likewise, I also call out to Superman in distress, but with a sense of disappointment. Superman was my childhood idol; however, my view of him changed as I grew older. Albeit he was my hero, a light of inspiration, his entire image now casts a shadow of tyranny.

Eight years ago, when I was younger [and I'd like to say] naĂŻve, I was in love with Superman. If asked why now, I would state the following reasons:

1) Bandwagon. Clad in blue, the signature "underwear" and cape, and bearing the grand, symbolic "S" on his chest, Superman struck awe in the hearts of many comic enthusiasts and young children (mine included). The said people, along with ardent fans and popular culture, followed. Each Halloween, there are thousands, if not millions, of people who dress up as Superman. Seeing the popular culture, I was influenced to join the bandwagon and annually fashioned a red cape and blue tights to "trick-or-treat".

2) Principle of Equivalence: If A=C; B=C; then A=C. Again, I was young and naĂŻve, so I did not regard the facts that Superman is an alien from planet Krypton and a fictional character. So, I crafted faulty premises and assumed: If Superman is a "man", and I am definitely a "man", then I am Superman. Of course, I knew I wasn't Superman, but I had hope that I could be like Superman, "strong-invincible-courageous-humble-practically-everything".

3) There are more; but, due to limitation of words, I must discontinue.

Now, you may wonder, how does a hero so idolized become a tyrant? To answer, I will begin with a very brief, interesting anecdote:

My family and I were enjoying Superman on television. However, when there was a pause for commercials, my family, excluding me, cried out in a very irritated fashion, "Aw, what the heck! It was just getting to the good part!"

Did my family just display a clamor of disappointment?

To others, this may be a petty matter, but my close scrutiny suggests otherwise. In my eyes, this is a serious tragedy.

Let me explain: as a young child, I was even more fascinated by commercials than I was by Superman. Hell, while watching television, I would jump channels just to admire the commercials. So, when I saw my family explode in a clamor of disappointment, I also shrieked a clamor of disappointment, "But the commercials are the good part!"

This [recurring] event has brought me to an understanding of Superman's tyranny. The television acts as the vehicle for spreading Superman's dominance; and unfortunately, my family was victimized. The victims are hypnotized by Superman's special vision to idolize superheroes, cartoon characters, fictional characters-and their respective television shows-and falsely attribute a sense of antipathy to commercials. Superman's tyrannical rule is not one in which he sits alone on the throne, but one that he shares with his fellow superheroes and similar kind. Together, with [characters from] other shows, they tyrannize over commercials, creating a society which condemns adverts and considers them unworthy for the eye.

Of course, some ads succeed in escaping the tyrants and impressing the audience, but with everyone skipping channels for more Superman or CSI, the dictatorship will never end. Am I irrational? Possibly. But imagine this: You are a literary fanatic and a book regarded as one of the best classics, Bronte's Jane Eyre, is disgraced and deemed unworthy of being categorized as a "classic", and even unworthy of a "novel". Wouldn't you be shocked? Wouldn't you scream? Wouldn't this completely shatter your literary world? Mark me, some people are considering adverts unworthy of even being on television; this is utterly malignant for advert lovers and calls for revolution.

Although Superman has inspired me to be a greater man, to stand up for the people (in this case, a rarity called the advertisement lovers), and seek to revolutionize entertainment, he and his tyrannical kind are to be taken heed and care of. I will be a hero like him, but better; and under my watch, his tyranny will end and advertisements will never be followed by disappointed exasperation, but standing ovations and lively brouhahas.
Jan 28, 2013
Essays / Superman: Hero, Inspiration, Tyrant, popular epigraph [6]

@Didgeridoo Thanks again!! I kind of like my old format more but I may go with yours because your version has a lot less words. Haha I am actually interested in advertising!

@Jennyflower81 Thanks! I'll make those changes, but I think I'm going to keep the dashes or hyphens whatever you call them because it helps me keep my word count low haha I'm going to use the "the jingles were catchy, the colors were exciting, the ads for toys were enticing, etc." part :)

@dumi and sharvani Thanks! But I think it needs some more work :)
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