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Posts by sid052
Name: Sidhartha Singh
Joined: Aug 28, 2015
Last Post: Sep 1, 2015
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From: India
School: Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University

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Aug 28, 2015
Graduate / Responsibilities of educational institutions in regard to their students. Preparing to GRE [6]

Hi every one. I am a new member of this forum. I am preparing for GRE for my doctoral studies. So need to prepare for the essay type question in GRE. Here i am writing a sample assay. I need all your support to find out errors in my assay and make it a better one. As the Essay asked in GRE are randomly generated so i need to practice as many as i can. Please keep in mind that this essay was written in 30 min which is the time available in actually GRE test. So please be reasonable while judging the essay. Also please keep in mind that this was an extempore topic. Any constructive comments are more then welcome.

The topic of my essay is "Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed."

Educational institutions are the place where the future generation are processed to make a lively hood for themselves and ultimately serve the nation. Since the very early age of human civilization educational institutions has played a critical role in the development of society. In early days of kings and queens there were small school where students learn whatever they want. If a student want to learn weapon craft like sword fight he can do so or if a students is interested in any other field then he can pursue science or art or commerce depending on the students. Basically educational institution are the building blocks of any society just like amino acids for proteins.

Now Educational institutions have an important role to play in the development of society so they have to be governed by some set ideology like which courses to promote, which course does students prefer, what is current demand of the job industry etc. I am a strong believer of the fact that a institutions should strongly dissuade a student in pursuing a course in which there is very little chance of getting successful. Since they are the building block of the society hence it is there responsibility to make sure that every student which is getting out of the institution has a purpose to serve in the society. If a student is constantly failing in stream let's say physics then their is no point in continuing that course it will be waste of time for the student as well as for the faculty. We can use that time in preparing a student who is already good in particular subject. That student might be good in music or art. eg. I was not very good with politics in class xth i was not able to pass the test but i was good in math, chemistry and other science subjects so there is no need to continue the process of giving test in politics again and again. I some how to manage to just clear the test marginally. The fact is one should focus all his effort in to an area where there is a more possibility of success i.e in to his area of strength.

Another point of view might be a student can be good at physics. he can be so good in physics that he can be next Einstein but if he doesn't want to pursue physics and want to do art in which he is not good at, then it the responsibility of the teacher to show him the right path.They have to guide him that you have to focus on your strengths. They have to make him believe that one should pursue his strengths. Otherwise we are depriving the world with a new Einstein. Once again if a person work in an area of strength then the probability of success increases exponentially.

On the other hand the contrary can also be true no educational institution can judge the future. No one know what tomorrow may bring in to a persons life. The students who is struggling in a particular subject, tomorrow he can be a leader in that field. Like Bill Gates he has to struggle for a long time before his brand apple makes recognition.

But since human have always lived his life based on the past learning. A wise man once said that we can only judge the future by the mistakes we have done in the past. So majority of the past says that their is no need to work in a direction in which you are not interested to go. i.e you should only work in the direction where your strength lies and hence educational institutions should dissuade students who want to work in an area outside their strengths.
Sep 1, 2015
Writing Feedback / TOEFL IndependentEssay - Tips how should governments encourage energy savings? [3]

To push people into using less energy by simply raising the price is a neither effective nor.
I think that you in first paragraph of any essay you should introduce the problem in 2-3 sentences and states which side you will be taking. It seems very naive if you directly jumps to your side too early.

will certainly suffer a lot from a bigger energy use expenditure (there is some thing wrong in the sentence check it properly)
For example, if companies produced a car whose engine burns gasoline more efficiently, (is producing)

Although the mistakes you made in your essay are very basic but try working on them. Overall it is decent essay but it would have been more beautiful if you follow a proper format for answering like first para is for introduction then you will site few examples and provide a solution for it then again 3rd para same as 2nd then in the last para you can conclude your verdict site the reasons above.
Sep 1, 2015
Graduate / Dwelling into cities can reveal important characteristics of a society that inhabited there [4]

To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities

Hello again friends, here is my another essay which i would very much appreciate if you could review it according to the standard of GRE keeping in mind i only had 30 mins for this task

Since the beginning of this world human race have depended on the structure of major cities to understand the thinking of the people living there. I too agree with the point that to get a dipper insight of the society's value one must look into the structure of the major cities. By structure I don't mean that presence of big statues or memorial statues I mean that one need to understand the value of the society which one can learn easily by looking at the social structure with in the big cities of any civilization because most of the population of any civilization resides in and around the big cities.

One can understand about India by merely looking at its major cities like Varanasi, Delhi, Bombay, Chennai. If one is visiting Varanasi then at the end of the trip one can conclude that India is majorly a Hindu County where people worship different kinds of God as there are some of the famous temples in Varanasi. There are lots of ghats near the river ganga where in evening a humongous Arti takes place. Varanasi not only include temples it is home to one of the best university in India Banaras hindu university which is Asia's 2nd largest residential university. So by looking all these structural feature of Varanasi one can conclude that Indian society is basically a Hindu society with an emphasis on studies.

Moving towards Bombay or Mumbai one can find western culture more prominent here people are always in hurry from morning till night. So one can consider that people of India are hard working people . The local train which cover complete Mumbai is running form early in the morning to late night which help commuter to reach their destination safely. One important thing about Mumbai is there is a special team working in Mumbai which delivers lunch boxes to various offices through out Mumbai delivering approximately 1lakh lunch boxes every day without a single mistake. This famous organization is called as dabbe-walla. So by studying the social structure of Mumbai one can conclude that what are the people of Mumbai do in their daily life and how hard is to survive in a society like this.

So finally I would like to conclude that dwelling in to the most important cities of that society can reveal important characteristics of a society like the positive qualities, negative qualities, nature of the people living in that society.
Sep 1, 2015
Graduate / Parents do what they saw and learned from their parents [5]

The sentence formation in your essay is very poor. I think you need to read a lot from newspaper, magazines or from any other source. The essay depending on the word limit must always start with an introduction of the issue about which you are writing like in this case you should have started as:

In the world in which we are living currently there are millions of things which we never heard of or don't know about them. In order to learn a new techniques we all need a person who can show or teach us how that work has to be done. So teacher is the most important person of anyone's life. He is helping you to understand the thing from basic to complicated to help you make your life comfortable. Parent are the first teacher of any person's life.

But are parent's the best teacher for a person i don't think so they are undoubtedly the first teacher but definitely not the best. Being a teacher is not easy. Its not a cake walk. Being a teacher means that you are able to see the thinks from some one else perspective (from Kids perspective). You have make a kid understand a phenomenon which he has never heard before so it is quite difficult.

Most parents don't focus on the strengths of the kid they do as they are they have seen others doing or as their parents did to them which might not be perfect for a kid because every individual is different and you need a different approach for every one.

You can elaborate it further depending on the word limit.

The points that you have mentioned are good but you are able to convey you thoughts properly.
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