Letters /
My time in Sweden - Motivation Letter For SI scholarship [3]
what you'll gain from scholarship in sweden
Describe how you can apply the knowledge and experience you will gain from your time in Sweden in your organisation/company and/or in your home country/region (max 1000 characters, space included)The scholarship focuses on: Sustainable development goals (High quality education, no poverty, zero hunger, decent jobs ...)
My long term goal is to become an educational reformer and work collaboratively across disciplines to foster healthy learning environments for Vietnamese students. My work with students will allow me to enhance their abilities to succeed internationally, to score higher on university entrance exams/standardized tests, and generally improve their quality of life (poverty, hunger, and employment opportunities.)
My time in Sweden will positively impact my Personalized Learning Methods in my teaching, helping to address problems students face in Vietnam, such as inequalities in education, bullying, and mental health issues. Improving students' education results in broader implications affecting the quality of life in Vietnam, including its economy, public health, and the arts. Additionally, in this time of fractured international relations, having foreign students who are expertly trained in English, can only enhance possibilities for improved relationships between different countries.